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Professional Papers and Presentations




When the Undergraduate Admissions Policy Does Not Apply
  • 2019 MidAIR Conference 

The undergraduate admission policy of a large, public, Midwestern university is based on an applicant's ACT percentile rank, high school graduation class percentile rank, and whether or not the applicant has completed a suite of high school core courses. This presentation discusses how this policy might be altered to apply to applicants who do not have these three admissions policy components.



Investigating a Proposed Funding Formula Metric
  • 2014 MidAIR Conference 

This presentation describes in detail how mathematical probability is used to investigate the practicability of a proposed metric pertaining to a higher‐education funding formula model.

Communicating Uncertainty - An example using the SOC Approach to Reporting IPEDS HR Survey Data

Beginning in fiscal year 2013, NCES mandated the use of SOC codes for submitting IPEDS HR Survey data. Consequently, institutions that previously submitted using other than SOC codes might need to apply, retroactively, the mandated FY2013 SOC approach to pre‐FY2013 HR data in order to generate associated historical trends. This presentation discusses some ways in which the uncertainty introduced by this retroactive application might best be communicated to the university officers who routinely utilize these historical trends.

Using Censored Data to Predict the Time Required to Complete a Bachelor's Degree
The time required for a first‐time‐college undergraduate student admitted to a Midwestern research university to complete a bachelor’s degree is predicted using censored completions data.
High School Core Course Grade Point Average as a Predictor of Undergraduate Academic Success

The high school core course grade point average of a first‐time‐college undergraduate student admitted to a Midwestern research university might be used to predict that student’s academic success. The performance of this predictor is compared to that of other possible predictors.

Re-engineering the Faculty Communication Proficiency Survey

The System Academic Affairs Office of a Midwestern research university annually surveys undergraduate students attending each of its four campuses, to assess student satisfaction with the communication abilities of instructional faculty. The survey recently was re‐engineered in an attempt to improve the quality of survey results. This research discusses this re‐engineering effort.

Lessons Learned in Developing Accountability Measures for a University System

The goal of the University of Missouri President’s Accountability Measures is to provide transparency and accountability regarding the University’s overall performance. Closely tied to the University of Missouri System Strategic Plan, eighty measures are organized into five major themes: Teaching and Learning; Economic Development; Research and Discovery; Community Service and Engagement; Developing and Managing Human, Financial and Physical Resources. Data for the eighty measures will be reported for each campus. The campuses also have the option to add campus-specific measures. Each measure will have two years of campus historical data, the current year’s data, and data that represents a peer group average or facsimile. In some cases, peer group data are not available and/or another source of comparable data is more appropriate (e.g., Moody’s Ratings for the financial ratios; Association of University Technological Managers data base for the economic and technology measures, etc.). This information is used to help each campus set its three-year targets. To assess progress, the actual results for each measure will be compared to the campus targets annually.

NSICP (Delaware Study) Data

National Study of Instructional Costs and Productivity (NSICP, or “Delaware Study”) data from a major Midwestern U.S. public university system for a recent ten‐consecutive‐year period are summarized using
statistical graphs. Considerations underlying the final choice of graphics are discussed.

Promise and Pitfalls of Updating State and Federal Compliance Reporting with New Administrative Systems

Often in the implementation of new ERP’s, IR’s role morphs into areas that we aren’t involved in normally. In our case, we found ourselves deeply involved in our institution’s compliance process. Our new role has provided a few frustrations, but also many new opportunities to improve how we do business, both in IR and within the compliance reporting function.

The Qualities of an Effective Institutional Research Director in Today´s Higher Education Environment

Perspectives of experienced institutional research directors to address the following question: What qualities and skills are necessary to effectively lead an institutional research office in today’s higher education environment? Panel participant will share—based on their own background, experiences, and context in which he or she directs the institutional research office—which qualities are most important, whether these qualities have changed over the past several years, and discuss what recommendations they would have for improving any office of institutional research. Suggestions to those considering a position as an institutional research director will also be discussed.

General Structure/Architecture of State Level Higher Education Funding Models

Overview of the most common state level funding models used for public four-year institutions. Included in the panel discussions will be a history of the models used in Missouri, a description of the three general funding models – FTE formula based, Functional or Categorical based, and Peer based – along with the positive and negative aspects of each of the major models. Particular attention will be paid to the role of Institutional Research in developing the models as well as the types, and sources, of data are needed to run the models.

Providing Accountability through Data and Process; the Program Audit.
Understanding State Higher Education Politics:  The Case of Tuition Policy
Assessing Undergraduate Financial Aid Distribution Patterns:  The Case of the University of Missouri System
Providing Accountability Through Data and Process-The Program Audit
Utilizing the Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining to Detect Unique Retention Patterns of First-Time Freshmen
The National Study of Instructional Costs and Productivity Revisited:  Trends, Uses, and Measures of Instructional Costs and Faculty Productivity
Using Geographic Information Systems to Create Meaningful Institutional Data and Analysis
Education Achievement of Adult and Traditional Age Students
Peer Group Analysis: For Administrators Only?
Probationary Admit Students: An Exploratory Study of First-Year Retention
Transfer Success at a Multi-campus University System
Dual Credit and Advanced Placement: Do They Help Prepare Students for Success in College?
  • 2002 MidAIR and 2003 AIR Conference
Understanding Transfer Student Success Revisited: Transfer Students - Who are They and How Successful are They?
  • 2002 MidAIR Fall Conference
Using Performance Indicators and a Corporate Scorecard to Develop a Strategic Plan
  • 2001 MidAIR Fall Conference
Student Borrowing and Debt Burden of Undergraduates

Presented at 1999 MidAIR Fall Conference

Since the Higher Education Act was amended in 1992, the number and amount of loans to students has increased dramatically, sparkling concern among students, parents, higher education leaders, and policymakers nationwide. It is important to assess at the institutional level how much students are borrowing and how much debt they are accumulating. This study reports student loan debt among undergraduates at a large public university system, including the characteristics of those who borrow and the magnitude of indebteness as expressed by salary required to repay the amount borrowed.

The University's Work Distribution Survey: Developing a Business Case for Process Reengineering

Presented at 1999 AIR Forum

As the University embarked on the task of reengineering its adminastrative systems,it was imperative to have a tool that would help define the questions and set the foundations for process reengineering within the context of a complex, multi-campus university system. Drawing from the work of Dougherty, Kidwell, and Hubbard, the University, working with Coopers and Lybrand Higher Education Consulting, developed a Work Distribution Survey as one means of gathering the needed data.

Justifying Process Redesign: The University of Missouri's Work Distribution Survey

Presented at 1998 MidAIR Fall Conference

Faced with the realization that dated processes and technology were adversely affecting "customer service" and administrative efficiency, the University of Missouri wanted to take advantage of contemporary "best practices" and technology. To help support the case that although current processes seemed to be working but were in need of being overhauled, the University of Missouri and Coopers & Lybrand Consulting together developed the Work Distribution Survey. The results of the survey have been invaluable for measuring the magnitude and costs of the University's administrative processes and for developing new perspectives of administrative efficiency.

Enrollment Behavior and Educational Fee Policy

Presented at 1998 MidAIR Fall Conference

The likely effects of educational fee policies on undergraduate enrollment and fee revenue are explored by examining two methods of charging educational fees: a plateau or flat-fee system and a linear system. Two very different campuses of a university system have been chosen to demonstrate these effects. The results indicate distinct differences in enrollment behavior between the two methods and also between the effects experienced at two campuses serving distinctly different student bodies.

Can Race-Blind Policies Produce a Diverse Student Body?

Presented at 1998 AIR Forum

Can consideration of factors associated with racial disadvantage yield freshman classes that are also racially diverse? This paper reviews relevant legislative and judicial actions, reports findings of bias in admission measures, examines the extent to which economic conditions function as barriers to attendance in Missouri, and describes the impact of admissions models that attempt to overcome economic and social barriers.

Reviewed 2021-02-18