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Glossary of Terms


Index of Acronyms

  • AAU Association of American Universities
  • AAUDE Association of American Universities Data Exchange
  • AAUP American Association of University Professors
  • CBHE Missouri Coordinating Board for Higher Education
  • CIP Classification of Instructional Programs
  • EMSAS Enhanced Missouri Student Achievement Study
  • FTE Full-Time Equivalent
  • HEPI Higher Education Price Index
  • IPEDS Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System
  • MDHEWD MO Department of Higher Education & Workforce Development (formerly DHE)
  • NCES National Center for Education Statistics
  • NSF National Science Foundation
  • SOC Standard Occupational Classification
  • UIDS University Integrated Data System


Glossary of Terms

Academic Year The institutionally defined consecutive period of time used as a reference for record-keeping. At the University of Missouri, the academic year consists of consecutive Summer, Fall, and Spring/Winter semesters. For example, Summer 2019, Fall 2019, and Spring 2020 terms constitute Academic Year 2019-20.

Adjunct Faculty A non-tenure track faculty position where one has an occasional or temporary affiliation with an institution or another faculty member in performing a duty or service in an auxiliary capacity to teach specific courses on a course-by-course basis..

Appropriation Revenues received by the institution that were made available through acts of a legislative body.

Baccalaureate or Bachelor's Degree An award that normally requires at least 4 but not more than 5 years of full-time equivalent college-level work.

Census Date-Completions The designated day when the institution takes official degree and certificate awarded counts for the prior academic year. Is defined as August 1.

Census Date-Enrollment The designated day in an academic term, after most drops/adds have been completed, when the institution takes official student counts. Is defined as the end of the 20th day of classes in a 16-week semester; 10th day of an 8-week semester.

Census Date-HR The designated day in an academic term when the institution takes official faculty and staff counts. Is defined as November 1 for the Fall semester; April 1 for Spring; July 1 for Summer.

CIP (Classification of Instructional Programs) An NCES publication that provides a numerical classification and standard terminology for secondary and postsecondary instructional programs.

CIP Code A six-digit code in the form xx.xxxx that identifies instructional program specialties within educational institutions.

Clerical/Secretarial Staff Persons whose assignments typically are associated with clerical activities or are specifically of a secretarial nature. Based on EEO, used in IPEDS reporting prior to 2012-13.

Degree-Seeking Student Students enrolled in courses for credit who are recognized by the institution as seeking a degree or formal award.

Doctoral Degree The highest award a student can earn for graduate study. An earned academic degree carrying the title of doctor, not to include first professional degrees, considered a Doctor's degree-research/scholarship for IPEDS reporting since 2009-10.

Drop Out A student who left the institution and did not return.

Endowment Funds Funds received from a donor with the restriction that the principal is not expendable.

Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Employee Persons whose assignments require primary responsibility for management of the institution, or a customarily recognized department or subdivision thereof. Assignments require the performance of work directly related to management policies or general business operations of the institution, department, or subdivision. Based on EEO, used in IPEDS reporting prior to 2012-13.


  • Instruction/Research/Public Service All staff whose primary function is to teach, conduct research, and/or provide public service, and who hold academic rank titles of professor, associate professor, assistant professor, instructor, lecturer, or the equivalent of any of these academic ranks.
  • Instructional Faculty Staff whose major regular assignment is not research or public service. Includes those considered primary instruction and those it is not possible to differentiate between instruction/teaching, research, and public service.

First Professional Degree An award in one of the following fields, considered a Doctor's degree-professional practice for IPEDS reporting since 2009-10:

  • Chiropractic (DC or DCM)
  • Dentistry (DDS or DMD)
  • Law (JD)
  • Medicine (MD)
  • Occupational Therapy (OTD)
  • Optometry (OD)
  • Osteopathic Medicine (DO)
  • Pharmacy (PharmD)
  • Physical Therapy (DPT)
  • Podiatry (DPM, DP, or PodD)
  • Veterinary Medicine (DVM)

First-Time Freshman An entering freshman who has never attended any college. Includes students enrolled in the fall term who attended college for the first time in the prior summer term. Also includes students who entered with advanced standing (college credits earned before graduation from high school).

Fiscal Year The institutionally defined consecutive twelve-month period for which information on financial and other types of transactions is available. The University of Missouri fiscal year runs from July 1 to the following June 30.

Full-Time Equivalent (FTE)

  • Employee A numerical designator for an appointment based on 100% for full time. An FTE for a full-time employee is 1.00.
  • Student A constructed count calculated by dividing the total number of credit hours generated at a given student level by the applicable normal student load.
    • Undergraduate FTE = Total Semester SCH/15 or Total Annual SCH/30
    • Graduate FTE = Total Semester SCH/12 or Total Annual SCH/24
    • First Professional (except Law) FTE = Semester Headcount or Annual, the Fall Headcount 
    • First Professional (Law) FTE = Total Semester SCH/15 or Total Annual SCH/30

Full-Time Student

  • Undergraduate A student enrolled for 12 or more semester credit hours.
  • Graduate A student enrolled for 9 or more semester credit hours.
  • First Professional (except Law) All students are considered Full-Time.
  • First Professional (Law) A student enrolled for 12 or more semester credit hours.

Grants & Contracts Revenues from governmental agencies that are for specific research projects or other types of programs.

Initial Cohort Adjusted The initial cohort minus the number of students that left the institution for any of the following reasons: deceased or totally and permamently disabled; to serve in the armed forces; to serve with a foreign aid service of the Federal Government, such as the Peace Corps; or to serve on official church missions.

Master's Degree An award that requires the successful completion of a program of study of at least the full-time equivalent of 1 but not more than 2 academic years of work beyond the bachelor's degree.

New Hires Persons who were hired for full-time permanent employment for the first time, or after a break in service, between July 1 and October 31 of the survey year. These are not to include persons who have returned from a sabbatical leave.

Professional Staff Persons employed for the primary purpose of performing academic support, student service, and institutional support activities, whose assignments would require either college graduation or comparable experience. Based on EEO, used in IPEDS reporting prior to 2012-13.

Post-Baccalaureate Certificate An award that requires completion of an organized program of study requiring 12 credit hours beyond the bachelor's; designed for persons who have completed a baccalaureate degree, but do not meet the requirements of academic degrees carrying the title of master.

Post-Master's Certificate An award that requires completion of an organized program of study of 12 credit hours beyond the master's degree, but does not meet the requirements of academic degrees at the doctor's level.

Ranked Faculty Faculty members holding the title of Professor, Associate Professor, or Assistant Professor.

Regular Faculty Faculty who are tenured or are on tenure track.

Service/Maintenance Staff Persons whose assignments require limited degrees of previously acquired skills and knowledge and in which workers perform duties which result in or contribute to the comfort, convenience, and hygiene of personnel and the student body or which contribute to the upkeep and care of buildings, facilities, or grounds of the institution. Based on EEO, used in IPEDS reporting prior to 2012-13.

Skilled Crafts Staff Persons whose assignments typically require special manual skills and a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the processes involved in the work, acquired through on-the-job training and experience or through apprenticeship. Based on EEO, used in IPEDS reporting prior to 2012-13.

SOC (Standard Occupational Classification) An US Bureau of Labor Statistics standard to classify workers into occupational categories that are rolled up into like major groupings for IPEDS reporting. 

SOC Code An eight-digit code in the form xx-xxxx.xx that identifies detailed occupations according to their occupational definition.

Stop Out A student who leaves the institution with or without notice for a period of at least one regular term. The student may or may not re-enroll at a later time.

Technical/Paraprofessional Staff Persons whose assignments require specialized knowledge or skills which may be acquired through experience or academic work. Based on EEO, used in IPEDS reporting prior to 2012-13.

Tenure The institutional designation that serves to identify the status of the employee with respect to the permanence of his appointed position.

Tenure Track Positions that lead to consideration for tenure.

Transfer Student A student who is entering the institution for the first time but is known to have previously attended a postsecondary institution at the same level.

UIDS (University Integrated Data System) A warehouse of University data designed to support planning, decision-making, and institutional research. 


Key to Compliance Reports

DHE 02 Fall Enrollment Supplement to IPEDS Fall Enrollment; shows on- and off-campus headcount, credit hours, and FTE by student level, enrollment status and residency.  This information is used by administrators to summarize campus population trends.

DHE 06 Ability Descriptors of First-Time Entering Degree-Seeking Freshmen; segregates and categorizes newly enrolled first-time degree seeking undergraduates by high school rank, ACT score, and SAT score ranges.  This information is used by administrators to measure the quality of students being admitted.

DHE 07-1 Geographical Origin of Undergraduate Students; shows the domicile of degree seeking students by student level.  Missouri resident students are listed by county, US non-resident students are listed by state, and foreign students are summarized into one total.  This information is used by administrators to target recruiting efforts based on current market position of students attending.

DHE 07-2 Institutional Origin of Undergraduate Transfer Students; shows the source of degree seeking and non-degree seeking undergraduates currently transferring in.  Students from other Missouri institutions are listed by institution, students from outside of Missouri are listed by state, and students from outside of the US are summarized into one total.  This information is used by administrators to target recruiting efforts based on current market position of students attending.

DHE 14-1 Student Financial Aid Awarded; identifies unduplicated headcounts and dollar amounts from source by fund type and student level.  This information is used by administrators to summarize student aid trends in average awards.

EMSAS Completions; a flat file showing individual student record data at the end of each term, focusing on degrees and certificates awarded by program CIP code.  This information is used by the Missouri Department of Higher Education (DHE) to create various completions reports.

EMSAS Enrollment; a flat file showing individual student record data as of the 20th census day, focusing on enrollment status and term credit hours attempting. This information is used by the Missouri Department of Higher Education (DHE) to create various enrollment reports. 

EMSAS Program; a flat file showing individual degree and certificate programs focusing on CIP code, delivery mode, tuition & fees, and other related costs.  This information is used by the Missouri Department of Higher Education (DHE) to update their program inventory and MoSCORES.

EMSAS Term Registration; a flat file showing individual student record data at the end of each term, focusing on term credit hours awarded.  This information is used by the Missouri Department of Higher Education (DHE) to create various student success reports.

IPEDS C Completions Survey; shows the number of degrees and certificates awarded by level, six-digit CIP, gender, race/ethnicity, and programs that can be completely done via distance education.  Also reports unduplicated recipient headcounts by gender, race/ethnicity, and age.  This information is used by administrators to summarize campus degree program trends.

IPEDS E12 12-month Enrollment Survey; shows annual unduplicated headcount by gender and race/ethnicity.  Also shows total annual credit hours by level, from which an annual FTE is calculated.

IPEDS EF Fall Enrollment Survey; reports enrollment data by race/ethnicity, age of student, and residency.

IPEDS Finance Survey; collects basic data to describe the financial condition of postsecondary education institutions.

IPEDS GRS Graduation Rate Survey; collects data on completion or graduation rates and transfer rates of full-time, first-time degree-seeking undergraduates.

IPEDS HR Human Resources Survey; recently designed survey that merges the attributes of the IPEDS EF, S, and SA. This survey categorizes faculty and staff by primary function, type of work, full-time/part-time status, gender, and race. Data on the salaries, tenure, and fringe benefits of full-time instructional faculty by contract length and academic rank is also reported.

IPEDS IC Institutional Characteristics Survey; a mix of information that includes mission statement, application fees, tuition & fees, room & board, price of attendance, and other related items.  This information is used by prospective students who are comparing institutions via College Navigator.

IPEDS IC-H Institutional Characteristics Header Survey; a confirmation of established information that includes educational offerings, organization control, degree award levels, and calendar system.  This information is used by IPEDS to determine what survey screens and data edits are used in the coming reporting year.

IPEDS L Academic Libraries Survey; reports on the status of collections, transactions, staff, service per typical week, and library operating expenditures in postsecondary institutions.


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Reviewed 2021-02-18