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HR-515 Check-Off of Union Dues -- Service/Maintenance Employees


Any employee within the recognized bargaining unit desiring to assign and have dues withheld from his/her wages shall execute a Request and Authorization for Deduction of Organization Dues , which shall provide, in addition to necessary information, the following wording: "Beginning ______________, I, the undersigned, do hereby assign to (Laborers' International Union of North America, Local 773) or (International Union of Operating Engineers', Local 2), and hereby authorize the Curators of the University of Missouri to deduct from any net wages due to me and pay to said union such sum monthly as shall equal the monthly membership dues as may be from time to time established and certified by said union to the Curators of the University of Missouri. This assignment and authorization shall remain in full force and effect until January 1 after delivery by me to the Curators of the University of Missouri of a written revocation."

Effective Date

Regular employees in classifications within the recognized bargaining unit will be eligible for membership and may choose to authorize check-off of union dues. Such membership does not alter any other section, policy or procedure outlined herein and does not make the provisions of this document, unless otherwise stated, applicable to nonregular employees.

The assignment and deduction of union dues will become effective the first day of the month after the request and authorization is delivered not later than the 25th of the month to Human Resource Services.

The Office of the Vice President for Finance & Administration of the University of Missouri is hereby authorized, upon the filing of such requests and authorizations, to deduct from any net earnings due and payable to such employee the regular monthly dues as may be certified to the Office of the Vice President for Finance and Administration by the appropriate union. Such deduction shall be made twice each month, and the Office of the Vice President for Finance & Administration shall, monthly, forward to the designated official of such union, a copy of any Request and Authorization for Deduction of Organization Dues filed as provided with the University during the preceding month; a list of only such employees for whom the Office of Vice President for Finance and Administration had made a deduction showing the amount of dues deducted for each such employee; and the total amount of such dues withheld, less the monthly cost to the University of such dues deductions.

Withdrawal of Authorization

Any employee who has executed and filed with the Curators of the University of Missouri a Request and Authorization for Deduction of Organization Dues as hereinabove provided, may during the period December 1 through December 31 annually, terminate such assignment and revoke such authorization by executing, at the office provided above, a Withdrawal of Authorization for Deduction of Organization Dues (UMUW Form 70) , which shall, in addition to the necessary identification, contain the following language: "I, the undersigned, do hereby revoke my assignment to, and authorization to deduct dues from my wages for (Laborers' International Union of North America, Local 773 or (International Union of Operating Engineers', Local 2), effective with the first payroll period beginning on or after the first January 1 following the date of this revocation."

Date Created: 9/26/97

Last Updated: 7/1/2002

Reviewed 2019-08-12