Medical, prescription, dental, and vision insurance form the foundation of the health care programs offered to UM System faculty, staff, and retirees. We care about your health. We want to support an engaged, energized, and innovative University community—for your own fulfillment and in support of our University mission.
Choose the plans that are right for you, and think of your insurance as a tool to protect your health as much as you think of it when treating health conditions. All programs offer qualified preventive care for free.
Medical insurance
- Healthy Savings Plan
- Custom Network Plan (for employees living/working in an eligible county near Columbia or St. Louis)
- Tiered PPO Plan (for employees living/working in an eligible county near Kansas City or Rolla)
- PPO Plan
- Medicare (only for those eligible per federal regulations)
- Coverage for those employees eligible for medical insurance only
- Visit the retiree benefits overview webpage for details
Do your research. Learn about the insurance options that are best for you.
Compare plans, find providers, watch helpful videos, and more.
Looking for plan providers or health care providers? Visit our plan contacts page for more information.
Dental, vision, and more
- Dental insurance, including:
- Dental Base Plan
- Dental Buy Up Plan
- Vision insurance (only for benefit-eligible employees)
- Discount programs for all employees
Reviewed 2023-08-01