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HR-414 Shared Leave Q&A

General Questions

1. I am an Administrative Service and Support benefit-eligible employee who is funded by grant funds. Does this program apply to me?

Yes. This program applies regardless of funding source. Employees may donate and receive shared leave funds, regardless of how their position is funded.

2. How is a ‘campus pool’ defined? Can employees choose to which pool they donate?

As of 7/1/18, there are six campus pools defined as: MU, MU Health Care, Missouri S&T, UMKC, UMSL, and UMSYS. Employees may only donate to their ‘home campus’ based on their benefit-eligible appointment. Likewise, employees will only receive donated funds from their ‘home campus’ based on their benefit-eligible appointment.

Donor Questions

3. If I donate vacation time, is this taxable to me?

No, donating time to a shared pool is not a taxable event.

4. Can I take a deduction for the leave I donate?

Unlike making a cash donation directly to a charity, the shared leave program does not use any of your taxable earned income. We recommend you consult a tax advisor if you require a definitive answer.

5. I have reached the maximum balance on my vacation hours. Can I donate accruals each pay period?

Yes, the policy requires a minimum of eight (8) hours with each donation.

6. The policy states that I cannot donate an amount which will cause my own remaining balance to fall below 40 hours of accrued vacation. Can you give me an example?

If your vacation balance before you donate to a shared pool is 240 hours, you may donate up to 200 vacation hours at that time.

7. How are my donated vacation hours computed when added to my campus shared leave pool?

Donated hours are computed based on their dollar value. For example:

  Hourly Rate Donated Hours   Amount Added to Pool
Donor A $48.08 50 =$48.08 x 50 hours $2,404.00
Donor B $24.04 60 =$24.04 x 60 hours $1,422.40
Donor C $15.00 70 =$15.00 x 70 hours $1,050.00
      Total available pool funds $4,896.40

8. Is my department charged for the hours I donate to my campus shared leave pool?

For all business units except MU Healthcare, when employees donate hour’s departments will not be charged beyond what they have already paid in the benefit flat rate.

For MU Health Care, departments are charged the expense when vacation is earned.  Donated hours will have no effect on departmental budgets.

Recipient Questions

9. If I am approved for shared leave, will I receive my same rate of pay for all of my approved shared leave?

Yes, however not all hours requested may be approved. The amount approved may be less based on the available pool balance.

10. Is it a requirement that I be on Family Medical Leave (FMLA) in order to apply for Shared Leave?

Not necessarily. The requirements for FMLA and Shared Leave are separate. Employees receiving Shared Leave pay may or may not also be on FMLA; the circumstances will vary.

11. I am only working a partial work schedule in order to care for my family who is facing a catastrophic illness. Am I eligible for shared leave for the hours I am unable to work?

No. Shared Leave is not available for intermittent hours.

12. I currently receive Shift Differential and/or premium pay. If I receive shared leave pay, will this include earnings beyond my base pay?

No. Only base pay is include in the Shared Leave payments. Shared Leave is a voluntary program by employees donating their vacation time to a pool. This voluntary program is not a guarantee and is not a 100% income replacement program.

13. As a recipient, is the Shared Leave that I am awarded taxable?

Yes. Shared Leave is a form of compensation, similar to vacation leave or sick leave. When an employee uses vacation/sick/shared leave, the time used is taxable income and will show on the employee recipients W-2. Regular deductions apply.

14. Does my time off while receiving Shared Leave pay count towards my years of service for vesting and/or retirement?

Maybe, however this is not based on Shared Leave pay. Whether or not time is pension creditable towards vesting, service, or salary credit is based on the type of leave (i.e. FMLA leave) you are on while receiving shared leave pay.  Please consult with your UM System Human Resources Retirement office.

15. Can an employee receive Shared Leave during the 149 day waiting period for long-term disability?

Possibly. Applying for LTD does not disqualify an employee’s application for Shared Leave; however, employees applying for LTD and Shared Leave are encouraged to contact the UM Benefits Office to discuss coordinating shared leave pay with the LTD application process to ensure maximum benefit and avoid delays or overpayments.

16. Who reviews my application for Shared Leave and what is being reviewed?

A designated Human Resources employee with the responsibilities of “Shared Leave Administration (SLA)” has the responsibilities of reviewing initial eligibility, maintaining communication with shared leave applicants, and applying approved leave on employee’s timesheet. A system-wide committee of HR and/or Title IX representatives make final decisions and approvals of leave and funds approved.

17. What are some conditions that do not typically meet the definition of catastrophic event?

For the purposes of this policy, a catastrophic event is defined as a major illness, injury or medical condition which is life threatening, terminal or likely to result in a substantial permanent disability as certified in writing by a health provider.

Absent a documented health condition which may meet the definition of catastrophic event, the following circumstances may not typically meet the criteria:

  • Flu
  • Chicken pox
  • Broken ankle
  • Migraines
  • Seasonal allergies
  • Pregnancy/delivery

Information from your healthcare provider determines whether the medical situation meets the definition of “life threatening, terminal, or likely to result in a substantial permanent disability.” A job-related injury or illness that is covered by workers compensation does not qualify for shared leave.

18. Is it possible my application for shared leave could be denied?

Yes, applications could be denied for reasons that include incomplete application materials, eligibility criteria has not been met, purpose of leave does not meet catastrophic event definition, or lack of funds available in the leave pool to distribute, etc. You may contact your campus Shared Leave Administrator for questions or assistance with the application process. Visit to find your SLA's contact information. See the Shared Leave Policy if you want to appeal a denial of your shared leave request.

Date Created: 07/01/2018

Last Updated: 07/01/2018

Reviewed 2019-08-12