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HR-404 Sick Leave Q&As

Please see HR-700 for temporary enhanced leave policies to address COVID-19 situation effective 3/17/2020.

1. Are employees permitted to claim paid time off based on their daily schedule even if it results in regular pay in excess of their weekly FTE?
Employees can voluntarily elect to limit how much paid time off they claim in a week where they have worked hours beyond their regular daily schedule. However, departments cannot require employees to claim less paid time off in order to limit the amount of regular pay in a work week.


  Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri  
Regular work schedule 8 hours 8 hours 8 hours 8 hours 8 hours  
Actual Hours Worked Sick Day 9 hours 9 hours 9 hours 9 hours  
Hours paid 8 hours 9 hours 9 hours 9 hours 9 hours Total = 44 hours regular pay

2. Who can be designated as a Sponsored Adult Dependent?
Employees may designate a sponsored adult dependent based on who is eligible for Sponsored Adult Dependent benefits. See the “dependent eligibility verification" or visit the Total Rewards FAQ for more information which indicates a sponsored adult dependent should:

  • Be at least 18 years old;
  • Have a single dedicated relationship of at least a 12 month duration with the employee;
  • Have shared the same residence for at least 12 months and continue to share a residence;
  • Not be married to another person;
  • Not be related by blood to the employee or retired employee;
  • Be mentally competent to consent to a contract.

3. What does “in loco parentis” mean?
In loco parentis is Latin for “in the place of a parent”. For example, if an employee is responsible for raising their grandchild (or any other child) including the day-to-day responsibilities of caring for and financially supporting the child, then the employee is standing in loco parentis for that child. Therefore, although HR-404 does not allow the use of sick leave for grandchildren, when the employee is standing in loco parentis the policy would allow the employee to use sick leave because they are taking the place of the parent.

4. What does “individual who stood in loco parentis to an employee when the employee was a child” mean?
HR-404 includes “parent” in the definition of family. The language “individual who stood in loco parentis to an employee when the employee was a child” means individuals who stood in place of the parent. There could be several scenarios; however, a few examples include:

  • an employee who was raised by a grandparent.
  • an employee who was raised by a step-parent.
  • an employee who was raised by a foster parent.

An individual who had day-to-day responsibilities of caring for and financially supporting the employee during their childhood is identified as having “stood in loco parentis to an employee when the employee was a child.”

5. What if I think I have a cold, flu, or was exposed to a virus?
If you have reason to believe you have a cold, flu, or were exposed to a virus, and are experiencing symptoms that cannot be explained by existing conditions (e.g. allergies), please contact your health care provider and follow any advice given. Employees shall continue to follow department established guidelines for attendance and requesting approval for time off.

6. How much information may supervisors request from employees who report feeling ill at work?
Supervisors may ask employees if they are experiencing symptoms of a cold, flu, or virus which are not explained by other medical conditions. Information about employees’ symptoms must be treated as confidential.

7. May a supervisor ask employees to disclose whether they have a medical condition that the Center for Disease Control (CDC) or other medical professionals say could make them high risk?
No. Employees who may be at higher risk for severe illness should notify their supervisor and/or their university’s human resources office to request a reasonable accommodation and apply for FMLA leave.

8. If an employee is diagnosed with an illness, will they be required to provide a release before returning to working on site?
A doctor’s or public health official’s release may be required before an employee is allowed to return to work on site. Units considering requiring doctor’s notes should contact their Human Resources Partner for guidance on how to maintain confidentiality when a doctor’s release is received.

9. What may a supervisor communicate to their unit when they have been informed that someone has a medical condition? Supervisors may communicate general information about an employee’s absence with employees who have a need to know (e.g., those who are impacted by the absence); however, the specifics regarding the medical condition must be kept confidential.

10. If an employee is directed by a healthcare provider to remain away from work, what leave is available?
To the extent feasible and approved, employees may work remotely. If available, employees may use available accrued leave per policy (e.g., sick leave, vacation, personal), and compensatory time.

Date Created: 01/26/1999
Last Updated: 01/01/2014; 07/01/18; 06/15/2021

Reviewed 2021-06-17