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HR-118 Separations


This policy addresses notice requirements, benefits, compensation payments, and department responsibilities in the event an employee is separated from university employment for any reason, including resignation, contract nonrenewal, termination, or death.

Nothing contained in this policy is intended, and no language contained herein shall be construed to alter in any manner whatsoever the at-will employment status of any at-will University employee.

If any part of this policy does not reflect the Collected Rules and Regulations (CRR), the provisions of the CRR will govern.

HR Policy Provisions

HR-118 policy provisions below are in accordance with CRR 360.060 Resignations, CRR 360.080 Payment of Personnel Upon Termination or Death and other CRRs identified below:

  1. Notice Requirements – Administrative, Service and Support
    1. Non-Benefit Eligible Variable Hour Staff Employees
      1. Employees are encouraged to provide at least two weeks’ advance notice to resign in good standing.
      2. The University is not required to provide advance notice for non-benefit eligible positions.
    2. Benefit-Eligible Staff Employees
      1. Employees shall provide at least two weeks' advance notice to resign in good standing. Failure by an employee to provide adequate notice may impact eligibility to be rehired.
      2. The University will provide at least two weeks' advanced notice to employees subject to layoff or discontinuation of programs pursuant to CRR 350.051 and CRR 320.150.
      3. The University is not required to provide advance notice if the employee is terminated for circumstances for which the employee is responsible, such as:
        1. failure to meet punctuality or attendance standards, misconduct, abuse of privilege, or violation of University policy;
        2. when progressive discipline has been followed ending in termination; or
        3. incidents, which in and of themselves, are so serious as to justify immediate summary discharge (pursuant to HR-601).
      4. At the University’s option, an employee may receive up to two- (2) weeks’ pay in lieu of notice upon layoff, discontinuation of programs, or other circumstances approved by the appropriate University, MU Health Care, or UM System Human Resources.
  2. Notice Requirements – Academic Appointments
    1. Variable Hour Non-Benefit Eligible Academic Employees
      1. Employees are encouraged to provide at least two weeks' advance notice before the term appointment ends. Employees are expected to fulfill their contractual obligations except for instances of extenuating circumstances or termination for cause.
      2. The University shall provide notice before the appointment ends and will attempt to provide as much notice as possible.
    2. Unranked Benefit-Eligible Academic Appointments
      1. Employees are encouraged to provide at least two weeks' advance notice prior to the end of the contract.
      2. The University shall provide notice before the appointment ends and will attempt to provide as much notice as practical.
    3. Ranked NTT Benefit-Eligible Faculty Appointments
      1. Employees shall provide written notice at the earliest possible opportunity but not later than March 15th (CRR 310.030).
      2. The University shall provide notice of nonrenewal as follows:
        1. Clinical/Professional Practice, Clinical Department Faculty, and NTT faculty whose salaries are funded in whole or in part by grant-dependent sources of revenue who will not receive a reappointment should be informed in writing at least three months in advance of the appointment end date unless extenuating circumstances exist (CRR 310.035).
        2. All other NTT faculty based on the criteria outlined below (CRR 310.035):
          a. NTT faculty with two to five years of consecutive service with positive annual evaluations will receive six months’ notice of nonrenewal unless extenuating circumstances exist.
          b. NTT faculty with more than five consecutive years with positive annual evaluations will receive a minimum of a one-year notice of nonrenewal unless extenuating circumstances exist.
          c. All remaining NTT faculty who will not receive a reappointment should be informed in writing at least three months in advance of the appointment end date unless extenuating circumstances exist.
    4. Tenure-Track Benefit-Eligible Faculty Appointments
      1. Employees shall provide written notice at the earliest possible opportunity, but not later than March 15th (CRR 310.030).
      2. The University shall provide notice as follows in the case of fiscal or academic year appointments (CRR 310.020):
        1. Not later than March 1 of the first year of service if the appointment expires at the end of the first year.
        2. Not later than December 20 of the second year of service if the appointment expires at the end of second year.
        3. Thirty days prior to the first day of the terminal year of appointment where the terminal year is the third, or subsequent, year of service.
      3. For appointments having starting dates other than the beginnings of fiscal or academic years, comparable notice shall be given.
  3. Compensation upon Separation
    1. The last regular paycheck for non-exempt (hourly) and exempt (monthly) employees is based on the following:
      1. Non-Exempt - the hourly rate of pay for all hours worked through the last day worked, plus unused comp time.
      2. Exempt – the daily rate of pay for all days worked through the last day worked.
    2. If applicable, vacation and paid-time-off (PTO) accruals and usage are calculated after the employees’ effective date of separation and is based on the hourly rate of pay at the time of separation. They are paid, up to applicable limits, as a lump-sum direct deposit following the last regular paycheck (based on the normal pay schedule).
    3. Unused sick leave, personal days, academic leave, and PTO above applicable limits are not paid out at the end of employment.
    4. In the event of an employee’s death, payments due must not be released without proper authorization. Due to the complexity of such situations, the human resources office should be contacted as soon as possible. The HR/Payroll Office may contact the General Counsel’s office for assistance.
  4. Benefits and Retirement
    1. University medical, dental, and vision benefits will continue through the end of the month of the last day in active status (except when the effective date is the first day of the month, in which case benefits will end the last day of the previous month).
    2. Employees may enroll in COBRA coverage for continuation of medical, dental, and vision benefits for up to 18 months after separation of employment. The University’s COBRA administrator will mail enrollment information to the employee’s mailing address on file.
    3. Basic life, additional life, dependent life, and accidental death and dismemberment insurance plans end on the last day employed.
    4. Payment will be made for a refund of contributions made by the employee to the UM Retirement, Disability, and Death Benefit Plan if vested status has not been attained. Employees enrolled in the Employee Retirement Investment Plan (ERIP) will receive information regarding the defined contribution portion.
  5. Department Procedures
    1. Except in the case of retirement, employees will be removed from payroll the day following the last day of actual work, or in the case of employment contracts or term appointments, the day following the last contract or appointment day.
    2. A personnel action form (ePAF) must be processed timely to avoid overpayments and continuation of benefit enrollments beyond the eligibility date. In the event of a death, the department is responsible for immediately notifying the HR/Payroll Office.
    3. Ensure all personnel file documents are retained in accordance with HR-125.
    4. Initiate the necessary actions to ensure all University security access, property, and equipment are removed/returned on or before the last day worked.
    5. Arrange for the employee to gather personal belongings or send them to the employee.
    6. Coordinate a smooth transition of work duties, assess future staffing plans, and ensure appropriate communication with internal and external stakeholders.
    7. Forward any unemployment compensation claims received to the University of Missouri System Office of Human Resources, Attention: Unemployment Compensation Claims.

See Also

CRR Section 310.020: Regulations Governing Application of Tenure
CRR Section 310.035: Non-Tenure Track Faculty
CRR Section 310.030: Notice of Appointment or Resignation
CRR Section 320.150: Discontinuance of Programs or Departments of Instruction
CRR Section 350.051: Layoff and Transition Assistance
CRR Section 360.060: Resignation
CRR Section 360.080: Payment of Personnel Upon Termination or Death

HR-125 Employment Records
HR-402 Vacation (As of Jan 2024)
HR-421 Paid-Time-Off (PTO)

Date Created: 09/26/1997 (HR-118 Separations, HR-226 Separation Payments); 10/22/2022 (HR-225 Deceased Employees); 01/01/2024 (HR-118 combined HR-118, 225, and 226)
Updated: 11/01/2000; 01/01/2003 (HR-225); 03/01/2006; 07/01/2009; 10/23/2009 (HR-226); 10/01/2014; 10/01/2019; 01/16/2020; 10/29/2020; Posted 12/23/2023 with an effective date 01/01/2024

Reviewed 2023-12-22