This policy addresses performance standards and expectations for employee attendance.
Regular attendance and punctuality are considered essential functions of every employee’s job. The efficiency of the entire work group is impaired if individuals are not present when expected. Therefore, employees are expected to arrive on time, ready to work, as scheduled.
This policy will be administered in accordance with federal and state law, including, but not limited to, ADA and FMLA. Nothing in this policy shall affect the at-will status of employees.
If any part of this policy does not reflect the Collected Rules and Regulations (CRR), the provisions of the CRR will govern.
HR Policy Provisions
- Scope -This policy applies to non-exempt (hourly) Administrative, Service, and Support employees and other workers identified by the department.
- Definitions
- Attendance – Reporting for and being present at work as scheduled, including arriving on time and being ready to work at the start of the shift, returning from break(s) on time, and continuing to work through the end of the scheduled shift.
- Planned Absence – Absences requested by the employee at least 48 hours before the scheduled shift and approved before the shift is scheduled to begin. Planned absences may consist of full days, partial days, and adjustments to work schedules, such as arriving or leaving work at a time different than scheduled. Supervisors are encouraged to work with their employees to establish flexible work arrangements when operationally feasible.
- Unplanned Absence –Time off work when the employee does not provide sufficient advance notice to obtain approval for a planned absence. Unplanned absences include full or partial days or leaving work sooner than expected.
- No-Call/No-Show – Failure to provide notification of an absence within three (3) hours after the shift begins.
- Tardiness –Clocking in after the shift begins or returning late from rest periods or meal breaks.
- Occurrences include the following, except that consecutive unplanned absences that are part of an elimination period for an approved UM System Leave (e.g., Short-Term Disability pursuant to HR-309) will not be counted as an occurrence:
- Unplanned Absence – Unplanned Absences from up to three (3) consecutive scheduled shifts will be counted as one (1) Attendance Occurrence; and
- Tardy– Clocking in over 6 minutes after the shift begins or returning from an unpaid break will be counted as a half (.50) Attendance Occurrence.
- Discipline -Disciplinary action for unsatisfactory Attendance may be imposed pursuant to HR-601. Disciplinary action may be imposed for Unplanned Absences, No-Call/No-Show instances, and Tardiness as follows:
- Six (6) or more Occurrences in a rolling six (6) month lookback period; or
- Patterns of abuse with three (3) or more Unplanned Absences or Tardiness, including but not limited to the following.Patterns of abuse shall be discussed with the employee, providing coaching and awareness, prior to escalating to more severe forms of discipline. Examples:
- Unplanned Absences on days Planned Absences were requested but not approved; or
- Unplanned Absences before, on, or after University Holidays as noted in HR-401; or
- Unplanned Absences or Tardiness that occurs at regular intervals, on consistent days, or according to some other identifiable pattern; etc.
- No-Call/No-Show instances, absent emergent or extraordinary unforeseen circumstances.
- Alternative Attendance Guidelines –In rare and unique settings, departments or organizational work units may have different needs to ensure appropriate staffing levels meet organizational priorities. If there is a compelling reason for requirements other than what is communicated in this policy, alternative attendance guidelines may be requested by submitting a justification to Human Resources. The Vice President of Human Resources or designee must approve alternative attendance guidelines before implementation. For guidelines which apply to union eligible positions, the University will provide the applicable Union with at least thirty (30) days’ notice with opportunity for feedback prior to final approvals. A Department Attendance Template may be required for approved alternative guidelines.
- Procedure Information
- Employees shall provide timely notification of absences, including meeting department expectations for reporting tardies and absences.
- Employees can receive a copy of their occurrences by submitting a request following department guidelines. Departments shall provide a copy within five (5) business days.
- All hours worked must be accurately reported in the University’s time reporting system.
See Also
Discipline Guidelines HR-601
Flexible Work Arrangements
Reporting Hours Worked HR-106
Date created: 09/26/1997
Updated: 07/21/1998; 10/29/2020; Posted xx/xx/2025 with an effective date of xx/xx/2025
Reviewed 2025-02-11