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Working Through COVID-19

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Reduction Measure Resources

Telework Arrangement Form

This form is intended to help both the supervisor and the employee have a clear, shared understanding of the employee’s telework arrangement. Each telework arrangement is unique depending on the needs of the position, supervisor, and employee. The Telework Arrangement Form can be adapted to unit requirements as necessary.

Access the Telework Arrangement Form | PDF version

If you are having trouble accessing or completing the Telework Arrangement form, please contact your campus IT department.

If you have questions about whether or not to complete the form, authorizes the arrangement, etc., please contact your HR Business Partner/Consultant or unit leader.

You can find additional information on the flexible work arrangements webpage or HR-522 Telework Q&A.


Returning to the Workplace Resources



  • Maintain social distancing of 6 feet between individuals
    • Maintain that distance in classrooms, corridors, laboratories, studios, recreation areas, common spaces, elevators, stairwells. (Walking past someone within 6 feet in a hallway is not considered an exposure risk.)
    • Pay attention to total density of people in a space.
    • Configure furnishings to enforce distance. Create six-foot markers for waiting lines and other public spaces.
    • Use face coverings when it is not possible to keep a six-foot distance. (CDC guidelines recommend wearing cloth face coverings at other times and individuals may choose to do so.)
    • Virtual meetings are preferred. If a meeting must be in-person, it must be in a room that permits attendees to be six feet apart.
    • Break rooms/lunch rooms and gathering areas are closed for social gathering. They may be used for food and drink preparation and consumption (one at a time, or multiple people as long as six-foot social distancing can be maintained).
    • People should travel to sites with one person per vehicle. If that is not possible, all people involved should wear a cloth face covering and certify they have not exhibited symptoms similar to COVID-19, according to CDC guidelines.
  • Hand hygiene: Frequent 20-second handwashing or 60% or more alcohol hand sanitizer
    • Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds to avoid spreading the virus to others. If soap and water are not readily available, you can use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains 60%-95% alcohol.
    • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when coughing or sneezing. Wash your hands with soap and water immediately after coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose.
  • Appropriate cleaning measures
    • Each university is tracking continual cleaning of shared surfaces.
    • Individual responsibility for wiping surfaces is needed for shared spaces.
  • Self-monitoring of personal health
  • Temperature check guidance
    • If temperature is 38.0°C (100.4°F) or greater, it is considered positive.
    • Before you take your temperature:
    • Wait 30 minutes after eating, drinking or exercising.
    • Wait at least 6 hours after taking medicines that can lower your temperature, such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen and aspirin.
  • Take immediate action/report if symptoms
    • Stay home.
    • Call health care provider for guidance regarding testing.
    • If advised to get coronavirus testing, stay home until results are known.
    • If test is negative, follow health care provider advice regarding return to activities.
    • If test is positive:
      • Stay home
      • Self-isolate
      • Wear a face covering around others
      • Cooperate with contact tracing by public health officials
      • Strictly follow guidance regarding return to class/work
  • If you think you’ve had contact with a person identified as testing positive or exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, please seek advice from your doctor or another health professional and follow their advice. You can contact HR and local campus resources if you need assistance with self-isolation.

Campus-specific precautions are also being taken at all UM System universities and MU Health Care. For specific information on how each are addressing COVID-19 concerns, access the webpages below:

MU     UMKC      S&T     UMSL


Reviewed 2021-06-07