The following resources are designed to support employees impacted by the workforce planning tools provided by HR-710 in response to COVID-19. For additional assistance, reach out to your campus human resources office (MU, MU Health, UMKC, Missouri S&T or UMSL) or the HR Service Center. Additional resources related to COVID-19 can be found on the COVID-19 Updates webpage.
University Resources
- Employee Resource Guide: Information for Those Affected by Payroll Reduction Measures
- Employee Layoff Resource Guide
- Academic Resource Guide: Information for Those Affected by Salary Reduction
- Layoff and Transition Assistance Resources
Managing Stress and Anxiety
- Sanvello is a free app that provides on-demand help for stress, anxiety and depression
- Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
- Guided Mindfulness Practices
- Online yoga and meditation sessions through MU Engage
- Coping with Uncertainty about the Coronavirus webinar
Financial Support and Guidance
- Financial Wellness Resources
- Local emergency assistance services
- One-on-one retirement savings consultations
- Department of Personal Financial Planning: Financially Coping with COVID-19
- Mizzou Office of Financial Success
- Fidelity resources
- Other financial resources and suggested books in myLearn
External Resources
Reviewed 2021-06-09