- Career management - Tool managers can use to recruit, reward, and retain talent and hard work
- Percipio - Encourage your employees to log in to Percipio for free, on-demand programs for their particular career and skills.
- Leadership Development Program – for faculty
- Administrative Leadership Development Program – for staff
- Faculty Salary Comparator Data – Data on salaries for UM faculty, with comparison data for peer institutions.
- Total Compensation Calculator - A decision-making tool to help employees considering a career with the university understand what their total compensation is worth.
- Compensation Hiring Guide for Managers - Practical tools and basic information for making effective pay decisions.
- Leadership Administration Guidelines – For managers of non-union, non-academic employees under the global grading system, this guide helps you understand the process you and your fellow supervisors go through to provide equitable employee assessments.
- Information on Leave - Details on the different types of leave employees can accrue or utilize.
- Non-academic staff compensation and administration program - For managers of non-union, non-academic employees under the global grading system, this presentation explains the salary and job structures that are the foundation for your employees’ career progression.
- IT career path – Use this document to help explain career titles and paths for IT professionals.
- Pay matrices – Salary ranges for each pay grade associated with your employees’ titles, and calibrated with the market.
- Performance check-ins - To encourage continuous growth, the university has implemented a review process that includes three Performance Check-Ins per year. Each check-in provides employees and managers a chance to discuss recent efforts, goals and opportunities for growth. Employees and managers share mutual feedback and plan for the months ahead.
- ePerformance - A tool used by many units throughout the UM System to track performance all year and to assist with annual reviews. Access unit-specific ePerformance websites from this page.
- Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) - Federal law that defines which employees are eligible for overtime pay or compensatory leave (non-exempt employees) and which are not (exempt employees).
- Job Code Detail - Understand the minimum qualifications and essential functions for jobs that you supervise.
- Merit handbook – For employees/managers in the immediate UM System offices – Links pay to merit. Recommend annual merit increases based on performance and where your employees fall within their ranges.
- Position Classification Questionnaire – Propose a reclassification of an employee’s current job.
- Information Technology Addendum – For use with the above when job is in the IT family of jobs.
- Research Addendum – For use with the above when job is in the Research family of jobs.
- Job Audit Questionnaire – Another job evaluation tool that is designed to collect detailed information about the duties and responsibilities of the job as it currently exists from the job incumbent’s point of view. The collected job data will be used to help develop or revise job descriptions and evaluate the job for appropriate classification.
- Service awards – Honor your employees for their long-time contributions.
Reviewed 2021-08-02