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Your APSS Update: December 18, 2015

In this Issue:

SUPPLIER News: Now WHY am I getting THIS tax form

2015-2015While most of us are familiar with the more common 1099 MISC and W-2’s we send and receive this time of year, you may receive questions about some of the lessor known forms as well.  Below you’ll find information for the forms, what they are used for, and additional resources you can access, so read on my fiscal warriors, read on…   

WHAT IS A 1099 MISC FORM USED FOR?  Per the Society for Human Resource Management, “The 1099-MISC Form is an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax return document used to report miscellaneous payments made to non-employee individuals during the calendar year.”

  • Who gets one? Per IRS Guidelines and University Guidelines, Non-Employees who have received $600 or more in miscellaneous payments or who have received $10 or more in royalty payments in a given calendar year.   
  • When are they sent? The Accounts Payable Shared Services (APSS) team combines several sources of data to arrive at a final list of 1099 recipients in January.  This list is used to create and mail out 1099s by the end of January.
  • What can I do to verify required suppliers receive accurate 1099 MISC Forms?
    • Timing Advice: The payment date a voucher is paid determines which calendar year it will be included in for 1099 purposes.  1099’s may impact your Suppliers tax reporting in a given year.  If you request a hold check in 2015 and don’t mail it until 2016 and your supplier does not provide their goods/services until 2016, they will receive a 1099 in 2015 (the tax year prior to when work was completed and they were paid).  Similarly, if you create a voucher and payment occurs very late in December, yet the supplier does not provide their goods/services or receive payment until 2016, the same 1099 timing issue can occur.  This could lead to unhappy suppliers with 2015 1099’s for goods/services they didn’t provide or get paid for until 2016.
      • What can I do to prevent timing issues?
        • Be aware of when you will receive a Supplier’s goods/services during this time of year.  If you won’t receive their product/service until 2016, wait to create the voucher until 2016.
        • If you have a hold check for goods/services you will receive late in 2015, be sure to promptly send on to your suppliers.
        • If you must create a voucher in 2015 for goods/services not to be received until 2016, put “Scheduled to pay 1/5/2016” in the comments section.  AP staff will see this and delay payment until 2016 which will prevent the payment from being included in 2015 1099 calculations.
    • New Supplier Advice: Ensure you communicate why we are paying the supplier so they can be created with the appropriate 1099 withholding code. 
    • Non-PO Voucher Advice: Has your Department paid fees, commissions, or compensation for services to a non-employee or independent contractor?  If so, there are two things you can do to ensure accurate 1099 reporting.  First, review the IRS 07-Nonemployee Compensation section of THIS LETTER from the Controller’s Office.  It explains what type of payments will result in a supplier receiving a 1099.  Second, when creating Vouchers, please always use the comments box to document what payments are for.  This helps the APSS team as they do their analysis of payments to suppliers each year.  This analysis determine eligibility for 1099s and your comments when setting up suppliers and creating vouchers are a big help.  If you have 1099 questions or notice an error please contact APSS Manager – Rita Wells.
    • Awards, Gifts, and Prizes Advice: Has your Department paid any Awards, Gifts, or Prizes by cash, gift card, gift certificate, or merchandise to non-employees?
      • If so, the amount of recordable income should be disclosed to the APSS Center before year end.  If you know of Awards, Gifts, or Prizes paid out by a non-check method, please contact APSS Manager- Rita Wells.
    • Research Subject Payments Advice: Has your Department paid Research Participants by cash, gift card, gift certificate, or merchandise?
      • If so, the amount of recordable income may need to be disclosed to the APSS Center before year end.  You can verify which research studies require 1099 reporting by reaching out to your campus’s Research Subject Payment Coordinator before the end of the year.

WHAT IS A W-2 FORM USED FOR?  Per the IRS, Every employer engaged in a trade or business who pays remuneration, including noncash payments of $600 or more for the year (all amounts if any income, social security, or Medicare tax was withheld) for services performed by an employee must file a Form W-2 for each employee (even if the employee is related to the employer) from whom: 1) Income, social security, or Medicare tax was withheld. 2) Income tax would have been withheld if the employee had claimed no more than one withholding allowance or had not claimed exemption from withholding on Form W-4, Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate.

  • I have W-2 questions.  Who can I speak with?

WHAT IS A 1098-T FORM USED FOR?  Per the IRS, if you are an eligible educational institution, you must file for each student you enroll and for whom a reportable transaction is made.

WHAT IS A 1099-R FORM USED FOR? Per the IRS, for each person to whom you have made a designated distribution or are treated as having made a distribution of $10 or more from profit-sharing or retirement plans, any individual retirement arrangements (IRAs), annuities, pensions, insurance contracts, survivor income benefit plans, permanent and total disability payments under life insurance contracts, charitable gift annuities, etc.

  • Where do retirees go for questions regarding this form?
  • Where does one go to get a reprint of this form?

What is a 1095-C Form used for? Per the IRS, this form will include information about health insurance coverage offered to you, your spouse and your dependents by the University of Missouri.  Its purpose is to assist you in completing your income tax return.  For more information about this form, click HERE.


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T&E News: Per Diem rate changes

dollar signBeginning January 1, 2016, for overnight travel within the State of Missouri, meals will be reimbursed on a per diem basis according to the Standard CONUS rate published by  the General Services Administration (currently $46.00).

The per diem rate change will take place automatically within the Travel & Expense system.  Beginning January 1, 2016, Travel & Expense will automatically populate your per diem for the day based on the final destination for the day.  For example, on day one of a trip you start in Columbia and drive to St. Louis to catch a flight to New York where you spend the rest of the day.  New York would be the location used for that day’s per diem since it is the final destination of the day. 

Please contact the Finance Support Center at or 877-752-3334, if you have any questions regarding this policy.


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T&E News: Watch out for two common expense reports issues!

oopsWithin PeopleSoft 9.2, there are two common problems.  Unintentional duplication and using the wrong chartfield by mistake.  A discussion of both is below.

1.  UNINTENTIONAL DUPLICATION ERRORS: You can create a new ER or modify an existing one.  APSS receives frequent feedback from users who have unintentionally duplicated expense reports.  Below we detail how to modify expense reports, creating new expense reports, and duplicate existing expense reports.  This will give you a good understanding of what is possible.  It will also show you how duplication is possible so you can avoid it if that is not your intent.

  • How do I Modify an Expense Report?  Navigate to:


  • This will bring you to a screen with two options on a tab menu:
  1. Add a New Value (Used to Create a New ER) or
  2. Find an Existing Value (Used to Modify an ER)
  • Be sure to click on the tab titled “Find an Existing Value” to complete any modifications to an Expense Report.  If you know the Expense Report number enter it under the Report ID box, if not enter the Empl ID# and click the yellow “Search” button.  Please note, you can only search on Empl ID’s for yourself or for persons you are a travel entry delegate for.

Expense Report

  • If you have more than one pending ER when searching by Empl ID#, the search results will appear at the bottom of the screen (see image below).  Choose the correct Report ID by clicking on it. 

Search Results

  • Notice the next screen (below) says “Modify Expense Report” and not Create Expense Report.

Modify Expense Report


  • How do I Create a New Expense Report?  Navigate to:


  • The system will automatically default in your Employee ID# under the “Add a New Value” tab, if you are creating this brand new report for yourself, click the yellow “Add” button.

Expense Report

  • If you are creating a new Expense Report for one of your travelers, from the “Add a New Value” tab,  you must first enter the correct Empl ID using the look up menu (magnify glass located next to the Empl ID box) or manually enter it and then click the yellow “Add” button.

Expense Report

  • The screen below now says “Create Expense Report” and the appropriate traveler’s name should be listed below it. 

Create Expense Report


  • How do I Duplicate an Expense Report?  When creating a new expense report (as discussed above) in the Quick Start “…Populate From” drop down menu, there is an option called “An Existing Report”.  The intent of this option is to allow a user to populate a brand new ER from an existing report allowing an exact replica of an old one with a new ER number.  However, some of our users don’t know the functionality creates a duplicate.  They think they are just modifying the original.  So, only use this functionality if you intend to duplicate the original. 

Create Expense Report

2.  WRONG CHARTFIELD ERRORS: There are three different methods to adjust a chartfield within T&E when creating expense reports.  Each is used for a different purpose.  They are: 1) adjusting the traveler’s default profile chartfield, 2) adjusting the traveler’s expense report default chartfield, 3) adjusting a specific line chartfield within the traveler’s expense report. 

Method 1: Changing a traveler’s default profile:
Before a traveler or their delegate can complete an expense report, they must complete the default mocodes section of their T & E profile.  Then, if a 10 line expense report is created and no adjustments are made to the chartfields, all 10 lines will use the chartfield entered in their default profile.

  • How do I do this?
    • Go to Main Menu > Employee Self-Service > Travel and Expense Center > Profiles and Preferences > Review/Edit Profile.  In the Default Chartfield Values section, adjust as necessary.
  • Who do I contact if I can’t access Travel & Expense?
    • If an end user cannot gain access to Travel and Expense to create an expense report for themselves or a person for which they are a delegate, please contact the Finance Support Center to validate their T&E profile.

Method 2: Changing an expense report’s default accounting:
If a traveler or their delegate knows the chartfield they need to charge for a specific expense report is different that the traveler’s default chartfield, they may adjust the expense report’s default chartfield.  This functionality is specific to just that particular expense report and will not carry forward to other expense reports created in the future.  All lines on this expense report will automatically be changed from the traveler’s default chartfield to the expense report’s default chartfield.

  • How do I do this?
    • Creator of the ER should set the Expense Report Accounting Defaults at the ER header after entering the very first Expense Type line item.Create Expense Report
    • After clicking the “Go” button the screen below will appear.Accounting Defaults

Method 3: Changing a specific line within an expense report.
No matter what chartfield is in a particular line of an expense report, you have the option to override it.

  • How do I do this?
    • While in the process of creating an expense report, first be sure to enter the dollar amount on the expense line.  Next click on Accounting Details. Accounting Details  
    1. You will come to a screen similar to the one below. You may change any or all of the chartfields as needed.


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TECH TIP: Using an open email to create a Calendar item

I know I know… you are thinking “come on folks, I already know how create an appointment in Microsoft Outlook”.  True!  But can you do it in one click?  If not, read on.

Step 1: Left click (and hold) the email you wish to use to create an appointment with.
click payroll announcement email

Step 2: Drag the email to the bottom of your screen where it says “Calendar” and drop it in.

move email to calendar

Step 3: A popup appointment screen (like the one  below) will open complete with all the details of your email in the body of the email, the subject of the email as the subject of the appointment, and using the date and time you dragged and dropped your email into the Calendar.  If needed, adjust the Start dates and times.

details of calendar appointment

Step 4: Click “Save & Close”.

save and close


Reviewed 2021-09-22

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