Course Paper
For Janitorial/Sanitation Use
Contract # 12-2007-WJ-S Description of products Primary supplier of toilet paper, folded paper, and rolled paper towels. Unless you have a proprietary dispenser requiring orders from Hillyard, please use Royal Paper as your first choice for the referenced paper products.
Buyer Campus Designator Wade Jadwin
All Supplier contacts nd User Customers Vendor Contact Email Phone Accounts Receivable Manager Tom Steck 314-664-3900 x215
314-664-1266(fax)VP Sales Mark Aubuchon 314-664-3900 x201
314-406-1039 (cell)Manager -Kansas City Matt Passanise 314-324-6901 (cell) Manager-Columbia Paul Passanise Jr. 314-856-2970 (cell) Customer Service 314-664-3900
314-544-8400(fax)Other important information Delivery Time: 2 days after receipt of order
NOTE: Unless you have a proprietary dispenser requiring orders from Hillyard, please use Royal Paper as your first choice for the referenced paper products.
SMS CART SAVES: The Royal Paper shipping cart automatically retains items/quantities from previous visits. If you search for a product and have purchased it before, a message will display saying the item is already in the cart. There is a "Clear Quantities" link under the quantity column that may be used to clear previous quantities. The user can then enter revised quantities for the new order.
Document Description
Reviewed 2020-10-02