If you are in immediate danger, call 911.
- National Sexual Assault Phone Hotline (RAINN) - 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 1-800-273-8255
- Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN)
Need to Report?
Click on a header to expand a selection and uncover additional information.
Mandated Reporting Policy
- Any employee of the university, except those exempted by legal privilege of confidentiality or as expressly identified as a confidential reporter, who becomes aware of any form of discrimination or harassment, including sexual harassment which is a form of sex discrimination, must report all known information to the Title IX Coordinator or Equity Officer.
- Please see your university’s Equity and Title IX Office page for contact information.
- The full policy language is located under Collected Rules and Regulations, Section 600.010.E: Equal Employment/Educational Opportunity and Nondiscrimination Policy and Section 600.020.F: Sexual Harassment under Title IX.
Confidential Reporting
If you need confidential support, help or information regarding discrimination or harassment, including sexual harassment, you may contact an employee with a legal privilege of confidentiality or a confidential reporter on campus. Employees with a legal privilege of confidentiality include health care providers, counselors, lawyers, and their associated staff. Confidential reporters are available on each campus. Contact information can be found by selecting the link for your university:
Title IX and Equity Resolution Process (ERP)
- Title IX Resolution Process for a Student, Faculty Member, or Staff Member as a Respondent
- Equity Resolution Process for a Student, Student Organization, or Faculty Member as Respondent
- Equity Resolution Process for a Staff Member or the University as Respondent
- Rights of a Party in the Title IX Process under section 600.030
- Rights of a Party in the Equity Resolution Process under section 600.040
- Rights of a Party in the Equity Resolution Process under section 600.050
Reviewed 2023-07-19