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Intercampus Student Council


The Intercampus Student Council (ISC) serves as a liaison between the President and the student governing bodies from each campus. It communicates the views of the student bodies, advises the President on matters that concern students, and addresses any issues that the President brings to the ISC. For more information on ISC’s purpose, refer to the constitution (PDF). A Resolution to Support an Initiative by the University of Missouri (UM) System Introducing Open Educational Resources (OER) can be found here.


Members of the ISC is composed of two representatives from each of the student bodies listed below.  Representatives from each student body changes every academic year with elections held in the spring. 

The Executive Director of the Associated Students of the University of Missouri and the Student Representative to the Board of Curators are members as well.  Academic Affairs provides administrative and advisory support to ISC.

Current members of ISC

Name Campus Role

Avery Welker

Missouri S&T

ISC Chair

Jennifer Sutterer


Missouri Students Association President

Mary O'Brien


Missouri Students Association Vice President

Al Willsey


Graduate Professional Council President

Jesse Wyatt


Graduate Professional Council Vice President

Abdul Baba Ahmed


Student Government Association President

David Fulk


ISC Recorder; Student Government Association Vice President

Madison Moore

Missouri S&T

ISC Vice Chair; Student Council President

Kaeden Kessinger

Missouri S&T

Student Council Vice President - External

Adriane Melnyczuk

Missouri S&T

Council of Graduate Students President

Danish Ali

Missouri S&T

Council of Graduate Students Vice President

Joey Dordoni


Student Government Association President

Aleathea Williams


Student Government Association Vice President

Natalie Butler


Executive Director, ASUM


Contact Information

For questions, please reach out to the representatives on your campus. 

Reviewed 2019-08-24