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Academic Professional Development

The Office of Academic Affairs offers a variety of professional development programs for faculty and staff members across the UM System. Faculty are invited to explore the Manuel T. Pacheco Leadership Development Program (LDP) and the UM Teaching Scholars Program (UMTS), and faculty and staff with advising responsibilities are encouraged to learn more about our office's UM Advise umbrella program. The Office of Academic Affairs, in partnership with the Office of the President and the Office of Human Resources, is in the works of developing a new Academic Leadership Development program for academic department chairs, associate deans, and deans. More information about these opportunities will be provided soon.

Our Programs

Academic Leadership Development, including executive coaching, conferences and workshops

Academic Leadership Program

Manuel T. Pacheco Leadership Development Program

Leadership Development Program

UM System Teaching Scholars Program

Teaching Scholars


UM Advise

UM Advise



24/7 Academic Leadership Resources24/7 Academic Leadership Resources 
As part of the collaborative Academic Leadership Development initiative between the offices of Academic Affairs and Human Resources, this page is designed to provide ongoing opportunities for academic leaders to enhance their skills and reframe their thinking.



Assessment Tools
Assessment Tools
As part of the collaborative Academic Leadership Development initiative between the offices of Academic Affairs and Human Resources, the StrengthScope 360 and Insight 360 Assessment tools are available for the development of academic units upon request.

Scaling Instructional Excellence for Student Success

Reviewed 2020-12-24