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Legislative Priorities

Resources for University Advocates

Legislative priorities - budget

Supporting the University of Missouri System is an investment in the future of our state. 

The University serves Missouri citizens and communities through its mission of teaching, research, public service and economic development across our four universities and MU Extension. Support of the following priorities will help us carry out our core mission.

Legislative Priorities for 2020 include:

Funding the Core, plus inflation

In total, the UM System requests $416.5 million in core funding appropriated in FY20, plus inflationary increase

Continuation of NextGen Precision Health Initiative support

Showing sustained commitment on a statewide initiative as critical as NextGen is essential to its success. Maintaining this $10 million NextGen investment and rolling it into our core funding declares confidence in our plan to finish the facility and pursue new discoveries, which, in turn, will draw in more partners.

Approval of MoExcels proposals

The UM System presented four proposals in key STEM fields to fit our state’s critical workforce needs. Our proposals will:

  • Make Missouri the national leader in training clinical service engineers who work with medical imaging equipment used to detect diseases earlier and determine effective treatments.
  • Increase access for STEM education by educating graduates to pursue middle school science teaching degrees, scaling the program to reach rural areas and creating a mobile STEM lab for rural school outreach.
  • Expand our nursing programs using advanced simulation laboratories to address growing demand for nurses throughout Missouri.
  • Develop eLearning degrees focused on business, health sciences, cybersecurity, information technology and criminal justice degree programs – all areas that require more graduates to support Missouri’s economy.

Support for deferred maintenance

The UM System requests an inflationary increase to the core of $8.3 million (2%) to fund deferred maintenance.

To contact the Office of Government Relations, please call 573-882-2726.

Reviewed 2020-01-24