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Cash Advance for Travel

Obtaining a Cash Advance for Travel in Travel & Expense

  • Purpose
    • Employees traveling on University business may be authorized to obtain a cash advance for minor travel expenses. Every reasonable effort should be made to identify an alternative to the use of a cash advance and limit the amount of the cash advance requested. Alternatives available include direct billing, invoiced payment, and One Card. There must be a reasonable timing relationship between when the advance is given to the employee, when the travel occurs, and when it is substantiated.
  • How to obtain
    • Using a Cash Advance request in the Travel & Expense Module
      • Description must indicate Destination
      • Notes Section must indicate Departure & Return Dates and Detailed Purpose of Trip
      • Source must be "ACH"
      • Detail Lines should be created for each expense type (ie Per Diem, Transportation, Admission Fees, etc)
    • Repayment
      • Cash Advance repayment in the Travel & Expense Module
      • Repaid in full within 21 calendar days following completion of trip
      • Failure to repay may result in payroll deductions or student charge
      • In accordance with IRS regulations, the University has an “accountable” plan that allows it to reimburse employees for authorized business expenses with no effect on taxable compensation.  Payments made to employees that are not adequately accounted for are considered to be made under a non-accountable plan, and have to be added to the employee’s taxable compensation, and are subject to withholding.  (UM Policy 22312 Business Meals)
  • Special Circumstances
    • Cash advances for travel are generally made to University employees only; advances for University students are permissible, if the student is currently enrolled and the travel is for University business and will be reimbursed from University funds.
    • Cash advances for the support of travel of other individuals, who are neither University employees nor University students, must be approved by the dean, director, or department chairman whose department is responsible for accounting for the advance request and repayment.
    • Please consult the APSS Cash Advance Coordinator prior to requesting a Cash Advance for these reasons, as they MAY NOT be able to complete a Cash Advance in the Travel & Expense module.
      • Visitors and students who need to have money up front for meals
        • In accordance with the Meal Allowances identified in UM Policy 22603 Allowable Travel Expenses
        • Cash advance needs to be issued to employee for disbursement and employee must obtain a signed receipt from visitor/student as payments are issued.
        • Employee expense report should report the expense using "Miscellaneous" expense type and attach the signed receipt(s) acknowledgement.
      • Visitors, students, GRAs and GTAs who need to have money up front for other travel expenses, and documentation of expenses is not possible or feasible:
        • In rarer circumstances it may be necessary to pay an individual a set amount to defray these expenses by non-PO voucher. The payment would be coded as taxable to the recipient and would be eligible for a 1099.
      • GRAs, GTAs and Part-time employees who will be able to document their actual expenses after a trip.
        • May be allowed if approved by the Chair and Dean’s office. Please contact the APSS Cash Advance Coordinator for further details.

Reviewed 2019-10-02

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