Building Plans, Blue Prints and University Maps
Series #: TBD
Series Description:
These are the official copy of the engineering drawings and blueprints made by architects and engineers. These include property plats, tenant plan and drawings, black and white or colored renderings of proposed completed parks, proposed modifications, specifications, and University maps, etc.
Anselm's note : How does this relate to the current authorizations for Planning, Design, and Construction (77-132) which makes distinctions between “as-bid” (to Archives) and “as-built” (retained by PD&C for life of building)? Does this cover the latter only due to its Series Cutoff? How are the “as-bids” handled?
I’m also a bit concerned that University maps are lumped in here and would according to the Cutoff never really make it to Archives.
Series Cutoff: Sale or Disposal of Property
Retention Period: Permanent
Disposition Action: Transfer to Archives for Evaluation
Approval Date: Pending
Reviewed 2021-11-09