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Architectural/Engineering Drawings, Project Manuals, Blue Prints and Building Plans

Series #: TBD

Series Description:

These records include the official drawings and project manual(s) made by architects and engineers which are signed and sealed originals. They include architectural, structural, mechanical, plumbing, electrical, civil and demolition drawings and project manual(s).  

As-Built records such as drawings, Mylars, AutoCAD and Word documents made by architects and engineers when project is complete may include architectural, structural, mechanical, plumbing, electrical, civil and demolition drawings and project manual. As-Built copies are to be retained in Planning/Design and Construction until the sale or disposal of the property and then transferred to University Archives. 

This retention also includes all building plans, blue prints, property plats, tenant plan and drawings, color or black and white renderings of proposed completed parks, proposed modifications, specifications and University maps.  

Informational copies (not the originals) may be destroyed after they no longer serve an administrative value upon the sale or destruction of the property.      

Series Cutoff: Date of Creation and the Sale or Disposal of Property

Retention Period: 10 Years

Disposition Action: Transfer to Archives for Evaluation

Approval Date: 2021-11-09

Reviewed 2021-11-09