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  1. General Correspondence
  2. General Subject Files
  3. Standing Committee Files (Copy of Record)
  4. Ad Hoc Committee Files (Copy of Record)
  5. Committee Files (Informational Copies)
  6. Reprint Permission of Copyrighted Materials
  7. Audit Reports (Department Copy)
  8. Departmental Photos/Slides
  9. Departmental Publications
  10. Appointment Calendars
  11. Awards, Honors, Fellowships, Scholarship Files 
  12. Affirmative Action/EEO Records
  13. Association and Organization Records
  14. Building Coordinator Files
  15. Ad Hoc Report/Project Records
  16. Strategic Plan Records (Long Range)
  17. Statistical Data Records
  18. Directives, Policy and Procedure Records
  19. Budget Records (Division & Department)
  20. External Reference Materials
  21. Publicity Release Records
  22. Departmental Vehicle Records
  23. Departmental Equipment Maintenance Records
  24. Departmental Surveys
  25. Foundation Records
  26. Activity Consent/Liability Waivers and Release Forms



1. General Correspondence

General correspondence is considered to be any correspondence originated by or received by any employee or department of the University in the transaction of University business. These records include letters, telegrams, notes, directives, memoranda, reports and any other records, hard copy or electronic, original or copy, created or received as part of the communication process and which are normally kept by date, name of the individual, department or the organization that originated or received it.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for period of administrative value to department, not to exceed five (5) years, after which records are to be evaluated by Campus Archives for historical value. Records deemed to have historical value are to be transferred to Campus Archives, and the remaining materials destroyed.


2. General Subject Files

General subject files are those files set up by subject, topic, theme, committee appointment or other function where a series of documents cannot be filed or kept by any other single document characteristic. The files may include spreadsheets, notes, product brochures/catalogs retained for a specific purpose, reports, correspondence, etc.

NOTE: Product brochures, flyers, catalogs and other materials retained purely for reference purposes should be kept separately from subject files.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for period of administrative value to department, not to exceed five (5) years, after which records are to be evaluated by Campus Archives for historical value. Records deemed to have historical value are to be transferred to Campus Archives, and the remaining materials destroyed.


3. Standing Committee Files (Copy of Record)

These files include all records relating to University committees that function on a continuing basis, upon which faculty, staff or the public serve as members. Files may consist of meeting notices, agendas, reports to and from committees, rulings and policies established by the committee, correspondence, etc.

The copy of record is held by the committee secretary or committee chair when there is no committee secretary.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for period of administrative value not to exceed three (3) years, then transfer to Campus Archives, except those policies, rulings, etc., which have a continuing administrative value. They shall be retained until terminated or superseded, then transferred to Archives.


4. Ad Hoc Committee Files (Copy of Record)

These files include all records relating to University committees, including boards and task forces, appointed for a specific purpose, such as event celebration, search committees, computer systems, fund raiser, special projects, etc., of the University upon which faculty, staff or the public serve as members. Files may consist of meeting notices, agendas, reports to and of committees, rulings of and policies established by the committee, correspondence, etc.

The copy of record is held by the committee secretary or committee chair when there is no committee secretary.

Authorized Retention:

Retain until the work of the committee has been completed and the committee disbanded, then transfer records of the secretary or committee chair to Campus Archives.


5. Committee Files (Informational Copies)

These files consist of informational copies of committee files held by members of standing and ad hoc committees. They normally include records relating to internal committees, including search committees, boards, task forces, etc., of the University upon which faculty, staff or public serve as members. Files may consist of meeting notices, agendas, reports to and from committees, rulings and policies established by, and correspondence to and among the members.

Authorized Retention:

Retained until member is no longer on the committee, then destroy.

This authorization supersedes authorizations 72-09, 74-46-01, 74-43-10, and 87-02-02.



6. Reprint Permission of Copyrighted Materials

Publishers, authors, editors, and others authorized to do so, provide University departments permission to reprint copyrighted materials for use by the University. The Permission to Reprint is normally in a letter or printed form format, but could also be electronic or some other media.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for five (5) years after year copyrighted material was reprinted.



7. Audit Reports (Department Copy)

Department copies of Audit Reports may include both financial and management-type audits completed by the University's Internal Auditing function and external auditors.

Vice President for Administration and Finance has the "official copy" of audits conducted by that function.

Authorized Retention:

A. Internal Audit Reports

Retain for reference value not to exceed two (2) years, then destroy.

B. External Audit Reports

Retain for reference value not to exceed five (5) years, then transfer to Campus Archives.



8. Departmental Photos/Slides

This group of records includes photos, slides, and digital images (CD’s, diskettes, etc.) taken of departmental events, functions, and personnel for use in departmental newsletters, publications or other purposes.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for reference value not to exceed five (5) years, then transfer to Campus Archives.


9. Departmental Publications

This records group includes items produced for educational and informational purposes. It includes, but not limited to: newsletters, pamphlets, catalogs, yearbooks, directories, proceedings, programs, reports/annual reports, recruitment pieces, posters, brochures and magazines.

Authorized Retention:

Send one (1) copy of each publication to Campus Archives at time of publication. Retain remaining items in department office until no longer of administrative value, then destroy.


10. Appointment Calendars

Appointment calendars document meetings, seminars and other types of appointments for department personnel.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for reference value only not to exceed two (2) years, then destroy.


11. Awards, Honors, Fellowships, Scholarship Files

These records which are retained in numerous departments throughout the University, document the granting of special awards, honors, fellowships and scholarships, which are given to University of Missouri students, faculty, and staff selected for outstanding work in academic, professional, or administrative areas.

Included in these records may be general correspondence concerning the awards, lists of candidates submitted, copies of official announcements, names of recipients and biographical information about them, guidelines and rules concerning the selection, purpose of awards, copies of vouchers, checks, money received reports, and Board of Curators action if taken, presentation details, publicity clippings, photographs, etc.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for period of reference value not to exceed five (5) years then transfer to Archives except that during the life of ongoing awards, departments involved or concerned may keep a description of the award, rules and recommend guidelines regarding the selection, list of past recipients, etc.

University departments are requested to transfer these files to Archives regularly so that a complete and comprehensive historical record of University individuals singled out for special recognition for outstanding accomplishments may be preserved.

Renumbering of 81-26 as item 11. No changes made to authorization 81-26.



12. Affirmative Action/EEO Records

These records consist of, but not limited to, Affirmative Action Plans, records of participation by minorities, correspondence, directives, hiring procedures, reports, compliance requirements, summaries, position lists and any other records that document a departments efforts in affirmative action.

Authorized Retention:

Retain records until superseded or terminated, then transfer to Campus Archives for archival evaluation.

Item 12 supersedes Records Retention Authorizations 74-46-16 & 17, 75-1-01, 75-30-8 and any other Records Retention Authorization date prior to 12-01-2000. It does not supersede Records Retention Authorization
77-104-10 & 11.


13. Association and Organization Records

These records consist of, but not limited to, newsletters, membership list, literature on conference/ organization, reports, surveys, correspondence, meeting minutes, etc. of professional associations and organizations that University faculty and staff may be members of or otherwise involved with.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for reference value not to exceed two (2) years, then destroy, except, if a faculty or staff member is an officer/board member, committee chair/member, or otherwise actively involved in the governance of the national organization, those records are to be transferred to Campus Archives for archival evaluation at the completion of the individuals involvement.

Item 13 superseded all Records Retention Authorizations dated prior to 12-01-2000 related to association or organization records.


14. Building Coordinator Files

These records consist of, but not limited to, policy statements and directives, listing of duties and responsibilities, directives, correspondence, repair request, information request, key list and any other records created or maintained as part of the Building Coordinators duties.

Authorized Retention:

Retain until superseded or no longer of reference value, then destroy.


15. Ad Hoc Report/Project Records

These records consist of either one-time or infrequently scheduled reports (quarterly-annually) or projects produced by departments because of a specific request or for a department’s own academic or administrative purposes. The records included, but not limited to, the final report, project goals or purpose, worksheets, background materials, correspondence, special instructions and notes.

Types of reports records not covered by this authorization includes, report records created on a frequent basis as part of a department’s functional purpose. Report records that would be included in this group are: various media reports, audit reports, grade reports, accounting reports, etc.

Types of projects not covered by this authorization include research and grant projects, building construction/maintenance projects or other projects covered by specific Records Retention Authorizations.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for reference value not to exceed five (5) years, then transfer to Campus Archives for archival evaluation.

Item 15 supersedes all Records Retention Authorization item numbers dated prior to 12-1-2000 that meet the criteria indicated above in the description.


16. Strategic Plan Records (Long Range)

These records consist of, but not limited to, reports, correspondence, studies and background materials related to the development of strategic or long range plans prepared at all levels of the University.

Authorized Retention:

Retain until plan has been completed or superseded by updates or new plans, then transfer to Campus Archives for archival evaluation.

NOTE: For strategic plans that have completion dates longer than five (5) years, earlier records should be transferred to Campus Archives to prevent loss of records.


17. Statistical Data Records

These records normally consist of computer printouts, spreadsheets or other electronic files containing various types of information that have been collected and compiled by departments to compare figures for some time frame on such subjects as: funding, student enrollment figures, courses offered, production or activity figures, fiscal data, student schedules, number of patients, etc.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for reference value not to exceed three (3) years, then destroy.


18. Directives, Policy and Procedure Records

These records consist of directives, policies and procedures covering a wide variety of subjects that have been issued to schools, divisions and departments by various levels of administrative authority at the University.  The issuing authority is considered to be the holder of the official record and all other copies are considered to be informational in nature.

Authorized Retention:

A. Official Record (Original)

Retain until superseded and then transfer to Campus Archives for archival evaluation.

B. Information Copies

Retain until superseded and then destroy.



19. Budget Records (Division & Department)

These records document the budget activities of University divisions and departments. The records include, but not limited to, correspondence related to budget, policies, procedures, directives, worksheets and spreadsheets, reports, requests for budget and budget changes, approvals, etc.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for reference purposes of not less than five (5) years or more than ten (10) years, and then destroy.


20. External Reference Materials

External reference materials are received and maintained by departments for the purpose of providing information to department faculty, staff, students, or the general public. Materials may include professional publications such as magazines or newsletters, pamphlets, brochures, booklets, and books. The materials come from a variety of places such as professional organizations, educational institutions, and federal and state government. External reference materials are not considered University records that have to be maintained to meet record keeping requirements.

Authorized Retention:

Retain in office until no longer of value as reference materials, and then destroy. Reference materials may not be stored in the University Records Center.


21. Publicity Release Records

These records consist of forms that grant University departments permission to use individual pictures, articles and statements, sound recordings, photographs, etc. in University publications, videos, television advertising, and other promotional activities.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for five (5) years after last use, and then destroy.


22. Departmental Vehicle Records

These records consist of various records retained by University departments that are related to the maintenance and operation of departmental vehicles. Includes, but not limited to, drivers’ logs, check in/out logs, repair records (not invoices), warranties, service history, recall notices, and Missouri Vehicle Inspection reports.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for five (5) years after vehicle is traded or sold, and then destroy.

Note: This authorization does not apply to title and other purchasing records maintained by campus procurement offices.


23. Departmental Equipment Maintenance Records

These records document services and repair of departmental equipment. May include, but not limited to, warranties, instruction and operating manuals, vendor information, service logs and service contracts.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for one (1) year after disposition of equipment, and then destroy.

Note: This authorization does not apply to equipment that may be in the department, but is considered as part of the building equipment.


24. Departmental Surveys

This records group consists of surveys/evaluations (normally done in sort of form configuration) conducted by University departments for a variety of reasons. Surveys are done to determine what individuals think or feel about a particular event, the level of satisfaction with a department’s services, etc. The results of the surveys are normally recapped and included as data in a report.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for three (3) years and then destroy.

This item supersedes Records Retention Authorizations 77-111-02 & 73-02-03.

Note: This authorization does not apply to the teacher and faculty evaluations covered in Records Retention Authorization 00-014 and salary surveys in 77-104-07.


25. Foundation Records

These files document the administration of foundations established by the University to raise funds, provide prizes, awards, and scholarships to students and alumni, and loans to students. Foundation records may include, but not limited to, copies of legal documents (wills, etc.), correspondence, samples of solicitations for contributions, scholarship or fellowship recommendations and lists, loan applications, minutes of foundation meetings, lists of members, reports, copies of vouchers and other accounting documents, etc. Some of the records are originals and others are copies of records held by other University departments.

Authorized Retention:

Retain until no longer of administrative value, then transfer to Campus Archives.



26. Activity Consent/Liability Waivers and Release Forms

These records are for waiver of liability and consist of activity consent/liability waivers and release forms for individuals or groups of individuals participating in University sponsored events including various camps and clinics.

Authorized Retention:

A. Adult Participants (eighteen (18) years old or older) - retain signed waiver forms for five (5) years after date of event, then destroy.

B. Minor Participants (under eighteen (18) years old) - retain signed waiver forms for twenty- three (23) years after date of event, then destroy.

NOTE: A parent or guardian must sign for minors when under eighteen (18) years of age.


Reviewed 2019-08-05