- Employee Name (Last, First, Middle Initial): Enter the name of the individual. The name should be consistent with the information in Employee Lookup on WebTime.
- EmplID: Enter the employee's eight-character identification number assigned automatically by the PeopleSoft system. It will be used as the unique identifier for each employee, e.g. 12345678.
- Admin. Post: Enter the type of appointment.
- Joint Appointment: Non-compensated appointment in a department (other than the employee's home and/or tenure department) which has input regarding the employee's pay, tenure status, etc. even though the department provides no funding.
- Affiliation: Indicates an affiliation with a department that provides no funding for the employee's salary.
- Title Description: If needed, write out a more descriptive title that is associated with the job code.
- As of Date: Enter the date the non-compensated appointment begins. (mm/dd/yyyy)
- End Date: Enter the date the non-compensated appointment will end if there is an ending date. (mm/dd/yyyy
- Job Code Set ID: Enter the name of the business unit associated with the non-compensated appointment. Choose one: COLUM, HOSPT, KCITY, ROLLA, STLOU, UMSYS or UOEXT.
- Job Code: Enter the four-character code for the specific job title associated with the non-compensated appointment.
- Department: Enter the alpha code that identifies the department or sub-department where the employee is affiliated but is not funded.
- Academic Discipline: Enter the code of the discipline with which the employee is affiliated relative to the additional non-compensated title.
- Authorizations: Signatures as defined by Delegation of Authority in HR policy HR-201.
Reviewed 2019-08-05