Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-COLUMBIA (178396) User ID: 29c0011
Fall Staff Screening Questions
 NOTE: This survey is optional this year. 
 Does your institution have any part-time employees
                                                Yes   No 
 Does your institution employ any full-time faculty
 A. Less-than-9-month (working for less than 9 months per year)   Yes   No 
 B. 9/10-month (working for 9 or 10 months per year)   Yes   No 
 C. 11/12-month (working for 11 or 12 months per year)   Yes   No 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-COLUMBIA (178396) User ID: 29c0011
Part A - Fall Staff - Less than 9 month contracts
 Full-time faculty on less than 9 month contracts 
 Race/ethnicity   Men   Women 
 Nonresident Alien 
 Black, non-Hispanic 
 American Indian/Alaska Native 
 Asian/Pacific Islander 
 White, non-Hispanic 
 Race/ethnicity unknown 
 Grand total  13 
 Total from prior year  32  18 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-COLUMBIA (178396) User ID: 29c0011
Part A - Fall Staff - 9/10 month contracts - men
 Full-time faculty on 9/10 month contracts by salary class intervals and race/ethnicity - men 
 Men   Below $30,000   30,000-39,999   40,000-49,999   50,000-64,999   65,000-79,999   80,000-99,999   100,000 and above   Total men 
 Nonresident Alien  16  37 
 Black, non-Hispanic  16 
 American Indian/Alaska Native 
 Asian/Pacific Islander  17  23  60 
 White, non-Hispanic  10  18  71  112  90  66  47  414 
 Race/ethnicity unknown 
 Grand total  11  23  85  153  119  84  58  533 
 Total from prior year                              576 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-COLUMBIA (178396) User ID: 29c0011
Part A - Fall Staff - 9/10 month contracts - women
 Full-time faculty on 9/10-month contracts by salary class intervals and race/ethnicity - women 
 Women   Below $30,000   30,000-39,999   40,000-49,999   50,000-64,999   65,000-79,999   80,000-99,999   100,000 and above   Total women 
 Nonresident alien  13 
 Black, non-Hispanic  18 
 American Indian/Alaska Native 
 Asian/Pacific Islander  13 
 White, non-Hispanic  15  71  87  27  13  225 
 Race/ethnicity unknown 
 Grand total  17  91  103  33  20  278 
 Total from prior year                              297 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-COLUMBIA (178396) User ID: 29c0011
Part A - Fall Staff - 11/12 month contracts - men
 Full-time faculty on 11/12 month contracts by salary class intervals and race/ethnicity - men 
 Men   Below $30,000   30,000-39,999   40,000-49,999   50,000-64,999   65,000-79,999   80,000-99,999   100,000 and above   Total men 
 Nonresident Alien  58  53  26  153 
 Black, non-Hispanic  14 
 American Indian/Alaska Native 
 Asian/Pacific Islander  22  22  25  87 
 Hispanic  20 
 White, non-Hispanic  19  115  141  107  116  95  221  814 
 Race/ethnicity unknown 
 Grand total  82  197  199  127  126  103  259  1093 
 Total from prior year                              1027 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-COLUMBIA (178396) User ID: 29c0011
Part A - Fall Staff - 11/12 month contracts - women
 Full-time faculty on 11/12-month contracts by salary class intervals and race/ethnicity - women 
 Women   Below $30,000   30,000-39,999   40,000-49,999   50,000-64,999   65,000-79,999   80,000-99,999   100,000 and above   Total women 
 Nonresident Alien  25  24  62 
 Black, non-Hispanic 
 American Indian/Alaska Native 
 Asian/Pacific Islander  18  13  47 
 White, non-Hispanic  39  85  83  74  38  25  51  395 
 Race/ethnicity unknown 
 Grand total  70  132  107  85  49  29  57  522 
 Total from prior year                              485 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-COLUMBIA (178396) User ID: 29c0011
Part A - Fall Staff - Totals
 Total full-time faculty by gender and race/ethnicity 
     Men   Women 
 Nonresident Alien  196  75 
 Black, non-Hispanic  30  25 
 American Indian/Alaska Native 
 Asian/Pacific Islander  147  60 
 Hispanic  26  15 
 White, non-Hispanic  1235  626 
 Race/ethnicity unknown 
 Grand total full-time faculty
(must equal Part F Grand total) 
1639  806 
 Total from prior year  1635  800 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-COLUMBIA (178396) User ID: 29c0011
Part B - Fall Staff - Exec/adm/mgr - men
 Full-time executive/administrative and managerial employees by salary class intervals and race/ethnicity - men 
 Men   Below $30,000   30,000-39,999   40,000-49,999   50,000-64,999   65,000-79,999   80,000-99,999   100,000 and above   Total men 
 Nonresident Alien 
 Black, non-Hispanic  13 
 American Indian/Alaska Native 
 Asian/Pacific Islander 
 White, non-Hispanic  24  50  79  65  53  74  352 
 Race/ethnicity unknown 
 Grand total  28  54  84  69  54  81  378 
 Prior year                              362 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-COLUMBIA (178396) User ID: 29c0011
Part B - Fall Staff - Exec/adm/mgr - women
 Full-time executive/administrative and managerial employees by salary class intervals and race/ethnicity - women 
 Women   Below $30,000   30,000-39,999   40,000-49,999   50,000-64,999   65,000-79,999   80,000-99,999   100,000 and above   Total women 
 Nonresident Alien 
 Black, non-Hispanic 
 American Indian/Alaska Native 
 Asian/Pacific Islander 
 White, non-Hispanic  12  29  64  91  48  24  17  285 
 Race/ethnicity unknown 
 Grand total  13  30  69  96  49  24  18  299 
 Prior year                              293 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-COLUMBIA (178396) User ID: 29c0011
Part B - Fall Staff - Other prof - men
 Full-time other professional employees by salary class intervals and race/ethnicity - men 
 Men   Below $30,000   30,000-39,999   40,000-49,999   50,000-64,999   65,000-79,999   80,000-99,999   100,000 and over   Total men 
 Nonresident alien  11  25 
 Black, non-Hispanic  12  24 
 American Indian/Alaska Native 
 Asian/Pacific Islander  10  34 
 Hispanic  13 
 White, non-Hispanic  153  297  185  156  38  27  27  883 
 Race/ethnicity unknown 
 Grand total  176  335  206  164  41  32  30  984 
 Prior year                              967 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-COLUMBIA (178396) User ID: 29c0011
Part B - Fall Staff - Other prof - women
 Full-time other professional employees by salary class intervals and race/ethnicity - women 
 Women   Below $30,000   30,000-39,999   40,000-49,999   50,000-64,999   65,000-79,999   80,000-99,999   100,000 and over   Total women 
 Nonresident alien  20  28 
 Black, non-Hispanic  18  10  43 
 American Indian/Alaska Native 
 Asian/Pacific Islander  16  10  40 
 Hispanic  14 
 White, non-Hispanic  293  616  394  176  29  10  10  1528 
 Race/ethnicity unknown 
 Grand total  337  664  419  190  33  10  11  1664 
 Prior year                              1588 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-COLUMBIA (178396) User ID: 29c0011
Part B - Fall Staff - Tech/para - men
 Full-time technical and paraprofessional employees by salary class intervals and race/ethnicity - men 
 Men   Below $20,000   20,000-29,999   30,000-39,999   40,000-49,999   50,000 and over   Total men 
 Nonresident alien 
 Black, non-Hispanic  13  18 
 American Indian/Alaska Native 
 Asian/Pacific Islander  10 
 White, non-Hispanic  40  188  122  53  14  417 
 Race/ethnicity unknown 
 Grand total  41  214  131  55  16  457 
 Prior year                      449 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-COLUMBIA (178396) User ID: 29c0011
Part B - Fall Staff - Tech/para - women
 Full-time technical and paraprofessional employees by salary class intervals and race/ethnicity - women 
 Women   Below $20,000   20,000-29,999   30,000-39,999   40,000-49,999   50,000 and over   Total women 
 Nonresident alien 
 Black, non-Hispanic  35  40 
 American Indian/Alaska Native 
 Asian/Pacific Islander  11  15 
 White, non-Hispanic  64  386  104  35  19  608 
 Race/ethnicity unknown 
 Grand total  70  448  112  36  19  685 
 Prior year                      641 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-COLUMBIA (178396) User ID: 29c0011
Part B - Fall Staff - Cler/sec - men
 Full-time clerical and secretarial employees by salary class intervals and race/ethnicity - men 
 Men   Below $20,000   20,000-29,999   30,000-39,999   40,000-49,999   50,000 and over   Total men 
 Nonresident alien 
 Black, non-Hispanic  16 
 American Indian/Alaska Native 
 Asian/Pacific Islander 
 White, non-Hispanic  64  95  10  171 
 Race/ethnicity unknown 
 Grand total  76  104  10  192 
 Prior year                      181 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-COLUMBIA (178396) User ID: 29c0011
Part B - Fall Staff - Cler/sec - women
 Full-time clerical and secretarial employees by salary class intervals and race/ethnicity - women 
 Women   Below $20,000   20,000-29,999   30,000-39,999   40,000-49,999   50,000 and over   Total women 
 Nonresident alien 
 Black, non-Hispanic  37  85  128 
 American Indian/Alaska Native  11 
 Asian/Pacific Islander  10  16 
 Hispanic  10  14 
 White, non-Hispanic  330  1129  114  1582 
 Race/ethnicity unknown 
 Grand total  383  1246  121  1759 
 Prior year                      1821 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-COLUMBIA (178396) User ID: 29c0011
Part B - Fall Staff - Skilled crafts - men
 Full-time skilled crafts employees by salary class intervals and race/ethnicity - men 
 Men   Below $20,000   20,000-29,999   30,000-39,999   40,000-49,999   50,000 and over   Total men 
 Nonresident alien 
 Black, non-Hispanic  12  19 
 American Indian/Alaska Native 
 Asian/Pacific Islander 
 White, non-Hispanic  37  335  48  429 
 Race/ethnicity unknown 
 Grand total  45  350  49  453 
 Prior year                      482 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-COLUMBIA (178396) User ID: 29c0011
Part B - Fall Staff - Skilled crafts - women
 Full-time skilled crafts employees by salary class intervals and race/ethnicity - women 
 Women   Below $20,000   20,000-29,999   30,000-39,999   40,000-49,999   50,000 and over   Total women 
 Nonresident alien 
 Black, non-Hispanic 
 American Indian/Alaska Native 
 Asian/Pacific Islander 
 White, non-Hispanic  11  18 
 Race/ethnicity unknown 
 Grand total  12  20 
 Prior year                      22 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-COLUMBIA (178396) User ID: 29c0011
Part B - Fall Staff - Serv/maint - men
 Full-time service/maintenance employees by salary class intervals and race/ethnicity - men 
 Men   Below $20,000   20,000-29,999   30,000-39,999   40,000-49,999   50,000 and over   Total men 
 Nonresident alien 
 Black, non-Hispanic  64  84  152 
 American Indian/Alaska Native  11 
 Asian/Pacific Islander 
 White, non-Hispanic  158  218  30  410 
 Race/ethnicity unknown 
 Grand total  229  315  35  583 
 Prior year                      599 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-COLUMBIA (178396) User ID: 29c0011
Part B - Fall Staff - Serv/maint - women
 Full-time service/maintenance employees by salary class intervals and race/ethnicity - women 
 Women   Below $20,000   20,000-29,999   30,000-39,999   40,000-49,999   50,000 and over   Total women 
 Nonresident alien 
 Black, non-Hispanic  83  71  154 
 American Indian/Alaska Native 
 Asian/Pacific Islander 
 Hispanic  10  12 
 White, non-Hispanic  189  149  14  352 
 Race/ethnicity unknown 
 Grand total  295  231  14  540 
 Prior year                      538 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-COLUMBIA (178396) User ID: 29c0011
Part B - Fall Staff - Totals - men
 Total full-time employees by position and race/ethnicity - men 
 Men   Executive / administrative/ managerial   Other professionals   Technical/ paraprofessional   Clerical and secretarial   Skilled crafts   Service/ maintenance   Total men 
 Nonresident alien  25  26 
 Black, non-Hispanic  13  24  18  16  19  152  242 
 American Indian/Alaska Native  11  22 
 Asian/Pacific Islander  34  10  59 
 Hispanic  13  32 
 White, non-Hispanic  352  883  417  171  429  410  2662 
 Race/ethnicity unknown 
 Grand total  378  984  457  192  453  583  3047 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-COLUMBIA (178396) User ID: 29c0011
Part B - Fall Staff - Totals - women
 Total full-time employees by position and race/ethnicity - women 
 Women   Executive/ administrative/ managerial   Other professionals   Technical/ paraprofessional   Clerical and secretarial   Skilled crafts   Service/ maintenance   Total women 
 Nonresident alien  28  43 
 Black, non-Hispanic  43  40  128  154  374 
 American Indian/Alaska Native  11  34 
 Asian/Pacific Islander  40  15  16  82 
 Hispanic  14  14  12  50 
 White, non-Hispanic  285  1528  608  1582  18  352  4373 
 Race/ethnicity unknown  11 
 Grand total  299  1664  685  1759  20  540  4967 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-COLUMBIA (178396) User ID: 29c0011
Part D - Fall Staff - PT by position - men
 Part-time employees by primary occupational activity and race/ethnicity - men 

 Faculty (Instruction/
public service) 

Graduate assistants 
Administrative and
Other professionals
 Nonresident Alien  28  402  10 
 Black, non-Hispanic  18  22 
 American Indian/Alaska Native 
 Asian/Pacific Islander  12  10 
 Hispanic  12 
 White, non-Hispanic  483  597  11  178 
 Race/ethnicity unknown 
 Grand total  553  1049  12  211 
 Technical and
 Clerical and
Skilled crafts 
 Total men 
 Nonresident Alien  453 
 Black, non-Hispanic  61  122 
 American Indian/Alaska Native  16 
 Asian/Pacific Islander  40 
 Hispanic  32 
 White, non-Hispanic  176  103  21  326  1895 
 Race/ethnicity unknown  17 
 Grand total  187  134  24  405  2575 
 Prior year                  2441 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-COLUMBIA (178396) User ID: 29c0011
Part D - Fall Staff - PT by position - women
 Part-time employees by primary occupational activity and race/ethnicity - women 

 Faculty (Instruction/
public service) 

Graduate assistants 
and managerial 
Other professionals
 Nonresident Alien  17  261 
 Black, non-Hispanic  18  46  13 
 American Indian/ Alaska Native 
 Asian/Pacific Islander  15  16 
 Hispanic  13  16 
 White, non-Hispanic  447  550  17  715 
 Race/ethnicity unknown 
 Grand total  505  890  18  761 
 Technical and
 Clerical and
Skilled crafts 
 Total women 
 Nonresident Alien  300 
 Black, non-Hispanic  21  45  41  184 
 American Indian/Alaska Native  14 
 Asian/Pacific Islander  12  11  68 
 Hispanic  56 
 White, non-Hispanic  336  487  268  2823 
 Race/ethnicity unknown  19 
 Grand total  384  568  334  3464 
 Prior year                  3292 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-COLUMBIA (178396) User ID: 29c0011
Part E - Total Employees
 Total employees by gender and race/ethnicity 
     Full-time men   Full-time women   Part-time men   Part-time women   Total men   Total women 
 Nonresident alien  222  118  453  300  675  418 
 Black, non-Hispanic  272  399  122  184  394  583 
 American Indian/Alaska Native  26  37  16  14  42  51 
 Asian/Pacific Islander  206  142  40  68  246  210 
 Hispanic  58  65  32  56  90  121 
 White, non-Hispanic  3897  4999  1895  2823  5792  7822 
 Race/ethnicity unknown  13  17  19  22  32 
 Grand total  4686  5773  2575  3464  7261  9237 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-COLUMBIA (178396) User ID: 29c0011
Part F - Fall Staff - Faculty with tenure - men
 Full-time faculty with tenure by academic rank and race/ethnicity - men  
 Other faculty   
 Nonresident Alien 
 Black, non-Hispanic  15 
 American Indian/Alaska Native 
 Asian/Pacific Islander  27  36  64 
 Hispanic  10 
 White, non-Hispanic  319  226  551 
 Race/ethnicity unknown 
 Grand total  358  279  644 
 Prior year                          652 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-COLUMBIA (178396) User ID: 29c0011
Part F - Fall Staff - Non-tenured faculty on tenure track - men
 Full-time non-tenured faculty on tenure track by academic rank and race/ethnicity - men  
 Other faculty   
 Nonresident Alien  33  36 
 Black, non-Hispanic 
 American Indian/Alaska Native 
 Asian/Pacific Islander  21  23 
 White, non-Hispanic  21  126  150 
 Race/ethnicity unknown 
 Grand total  25  188  217 
 Prior year                          213 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-COLUMBIA (178396) User ID: 29c0011
Part F - Fall Staff - Non-tenured faculty not on tenure track - men
 Full-time non-tenured faculty not on tenure track/no tenure system by academic rank and race/ethnicity - men 
 Other faculty   
 Nonresident Alien  14  136  156 
 Black, non-Hispanic  11 
 American Indian/Alaska Native 
 Asian/Pacific Islander  44  60 
 Hispanic  12 
 White, non-Hispanic  16  51  141  49  275  534 
 Race/ethnicity unknown 
 Grand total  22  56  168  52  477  778 
 Prior year                          770 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-COLUMBIA (178396) User ID: 29c0011
Part F - Fall Staff - Faculty with tenure - women
 Full-time faculty with tenure by academic rank and race/ethnicity - women  
 Other faculty   
 Nonresident Alien 
 Black, non-Hispanic  11 
 American Indian/Alaska Native 
 Asian/Pacific Islander 
 White, non-Hispanic  67  80  153 
 Race/ethnicity unknown 
 Grand total  76  98  180 
 Prior year                          172 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-COLUMBIA (178396) User ID: 29c0011
Part F - Fall Staff - Non-tenured faculty on tenure track - women
 Full-time non-tenured faculty on tenure track by academic rank and race/ethnicity - women  
 Other faculty   
 Nonresident Alien 
 Black, non-Hispanic 
 American Indian/Alaska Native 
 Asian/Pacific Islander 
 White, non-Hispanic  98  108 
 Race/ethnicity unknown 
 Grand total  119  131 
 Prior year                          132 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-COLUMBIA (178396) User ID: 29c0011
Part F - Fall Staff - Non-tenured faculty not on tenure track - women
 Full-time non-tenured faculty not on tenure track/no tenure system by academic rank and race/ethnicity - women 
 Other faculty   
 Nonresident Alien  55  65 
 Black, non-Hispanic 
 American Indian/Alaska Native 
 Asian/Pacific Islander  32  45 
 White, non-Hispanic  21  80  91  160  365 
 Race/ethnicity unknown 
 Grand total  24  102  101  254  495 
 Prior year                          496 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-COLUMBIA (178396) User ID: 29c0011
Part F - Fall Staff Survey - Totals
 Total full-time faculty by gender and race/ethnicity 
     Total men   Total women 
 Nonresident Alien  196  75 
 Black, non-Hispanic  30  25 
 American Indian/Alaska Native 
 Asian/Pacific Islander  147  60 
 Hispanic  26  15 
 White, non-Hispanic  1235  626 
 Race/ethnicity unknown 
 Grand total full-time faculty
(must equal Part A, Grand total) 
1639  806 
 Prior year  1635  800 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-COLUMBIA (178396) User ID: 29c0011
Part G - Fall Staff - New Hires - men
 Faculty new hires (full-time between July 1 and October 31, 2002) by tenure status and race/ethnicity - men 
on tenure track 
 Non-tenured not
on tenure track 
Total men 
 Nonresident Alien  50  55 
 Black, non-Hispanic 
 American Indian/Alaska Native 
 Asian/Pacific Islander  19  23 
 White, non-Hispanic  21  75  103 
 Race/ethnicity unknown 
 Grand total  10  28  151  189 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-COLUMBIA (178396) User ID: 29c0011
Part G - Fall Staff - New Hires - men
 All other new hires (full-time between July 1 and October 31, 2002) by position and race/ethnicity - men 

 Nonresident Alien 
 Black, non-Hispanic  12  17 
 American Indian/Alaska Native 
 Asian/Pacific Islander 
 White, non-Hispanic  16  52  32  11  29  145 
 Race/ethnicity unknown 
 Grand total  18  59  35  14  43  174 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-COLUMBIA (178396) User ID: 29c0011
Part G - Fall Staff - New Hires - women
 Faculty new hires (full-time between July 1 and October 31, 2002) by tenure status and race/ethnicity - women 
on tenure track 
 Non-tenured not
on tenure track 
Total women 
 Nonresident Alien  19  22 
 Black, non-Hispanic 
 American Indian/Alaska Native 
 Asian/Pacific Islander  10  11 
 White, non-Hispanic  37  48 
 Race/ethnicity unknown 
 Grand total  14  73  89 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-COLUMBIA (178396) User ID: 29c0011
Part G - Fall Staff - New Hires - women
 All other new hires (full-time between July 1 and October 31, 2002) by position and race/ethnicity - women 

 Nonresident Alien 
 Black, non-Hispanic  12  16  34 
 American Indian/Alaska Native 
 Asian/Pacific Islander 
 Hispanic  10 
 White, non-Hispanic  92  53  136  50  338 
 Race/ethnicity unknown 
 Grand total  108  61  156  71  405 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-COLUMBIA (178396) User ID: 29c0011
Part G - Fall Staff - New Hires - Totals
 Total new hires (full-time between July 1 and October 31, 2002) by gender and race/ethnicity 
     Total men   Total women 
 Nonresident Alien  57  26 
 Black, non-Hispanic  20  35 
 American Indian/Alaska Native 
 Asian/Pacific Islander  24  18 
 Hispanic  14 
 White, non-Hispanic  248  386 
 Race/ethnicity unknown 
 Grand total  363  494 
 Prior year  295  349